This is the server used for communication with consumer and merchant app for Shnergle, taking care of data storage and aggregation.
- Python 2.7, 3.0 or higher
- azure (0.6.2 included)
- CherryPy (3.2.4 included)
- pypyodbc (1.1.2 included)
Where the library is included, the server has not been tested with any other version!
- Add the directories app and site-packages to the python path.
- Point the WSGI server to and set the environment variable APP_SECRET to a random string, DATABASE to the connection string and BLOB_KEY to the blob storage account key.
- URL Structure is /version/class/operation
- version is in the moment always v1, can but should not be ommited
- class corresponds to an actual class and should also correspond to a database collection
- operation is either get or set
- get returns the data
- set updates data if id is specified, otherwise creates a new entry
- id is the parameter to identify entries
- the index operation (/class/) will display an index where applicable
- WSGI is used as interface to a proper web server
- Parameters can be given as GET and/or POST, POST parameters take precedence
- Output is in JSON or JSONP
- All delivered JSON documents should be as close as possible to representation in database
- No dependency on hosting provider
- The server module has a public attribute app for use with WSGI compliant servers