Todo-list-app Public
A simple full-stack todo-list app where you can add, update and delete tasks
TypeScript UpdatedAug 31, 2024 -
book Public
Forked from rust-lang/bookThe Rust Programming Language
Rust Other UpdatedJul 23, 2024 -
docs.nestjs.com Public
Forked from nestjs/docs.nestjs.comThe official documentation https://docs.nestjs.com 📕
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJul 18, 2024 -
web3-counter Public
Decentralized counter app with a smart contract built on top of Ethereum's blockchain
TypeScript UpdatedJul 3, 2024 -
ft_transcendence Public
Forked from Xperaz/ft_transcendencea website where you can chat with your friends and play ping pong.
TypeScript UpdatedSep 20, 2023 -
Webserver Public
HTTP is one of the most used protocol on internet, here is one built from scratch.
Cpp-Modules Public
A suite of exercices that containes fundamentals of OOP and cpp programing (classes, inheritance, casting, exceptions...)
Inception Public
Broaden my knowledge of system administration by using Docker. Virtualize several Docker images, creating them in a new virtual machine.
Cub3d Public
This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever.
DevFinder.ts Public
Just remaking the previous project (devfinder) with Typescript, deployed @vercel.
RickandMorty-Docs Public
A simple nextjs app using api of the famous RickandMorty serie, styled with @tailwindcss deployed @vercel
DevFinder Public
DevFinder using Github api, built with @reactjs, deployed @vercel
profanity Public
Forked from aymanesarrar/profanityThis project is to detect profanity and take an action on it
Frontend-Mentor-Challegens Public
Repo made for the Frontend Mentor challenges that I achieve
LoginPage Public
I made a basic Login/SignUp/Home pages using TypeScript , styled with @Tailwindcss.
Philosophers Public
Eat, Sleep, Spaghetti, repeat. This project is about learning how threads work by precisely timing a group of philosophers on when to pick up forks and eat spaghetti without dying from hunger
Printf Public
Mimicking a c function called Printf from stdio library. Learned what is and how to implement variadic functions.