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Pipeline to process LimaCharlie Velociraptor Triages in Timesketch

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Pipeline to process a handful of IR timeline use cases:

  • LimaCharlie Velociraptor triage artifacts into Timesketch
    • Velociraptor artifacts trigger a webhook on your Timesketch server
    • Generating plaso files is done on your Timesketch server and subsequent plaso file is imported into your Timesketch server
  • LimaCharlie Hayabusa timeline artifacts into Timesketch
    • Velociraptor triage artifacts OR .evtx files trigger the ext-hayabusa extension in LimaCharlie to generate a CSV timeline
    • CSV timeline artifact triggers a webhook on your Timesketch server
    • CSV timeline is imported into your Timesketch server
    • If you are using this option, you don't have to add or enable the vr-to-output D&R rule, or add the Plaso rules/outputs
  • LimaCharlie Plaso timeline artifacts into Timesketch
    • Velociraptor triage artifacts OR .evtx files trigger the ext-plaso extension in LimaCharlie to generate a plaso timeline
    • Plaso timeline artifact triggers a webhook on your Timesketch server
    • Plaso timeline is imported into your Timesketch server
    • If you are using this option, you don't have to add or enable the vr-to-output D&R rule, or add the Hayabusa rules/outputs

Ubuntu Deployment Steps

  • Deploy Docker - Deployment Directions

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg -y
    sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
    curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
    sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
    echo \
    "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
    $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \
    sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin -y
    sudo apt-get install docker-compose -y
  • Deploy Timesketch - Deployment Directions

    cd /opt
    curl -s -O
    chmod 755
    sudo ./ # At the end, choose to "not start containers"
    cd timesketch
    sudo docker compose up -d
    sudo docker compose exec timesketch-web tsctl create-user admin

    I strongly recommend deploying Timesketch with HTTPS--additional instructions are provided here. For this proof of concept, we're using HTTP. Modify your configs to reflect HTTPS if you deploy for production use.

  • Copy files

    cd /opt
    git clone
    cd lcvr-to-timesketch
  • Modify the environment variables in systemd/webhook.service

    • TIMESKETCH_USER - Timesketch admin username
    • TIMESKETCH_PW - Timesketch password
    • LC_API_KEY - LimaCharlie API Key
    • LC_UID - LimaCharlie User ID
    • SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL - Slack webhook URL. Leave blank if SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS is no
    • SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS - Change to yes if you wish to recieve progress notifications
    • WEBHOOK_IP - External IP address of the system the webhook is running on (same as Timesketch)
  • Modify the variables in limacharlie/output.yaml

    • WEBHOOK_IP - External IP address of the system the webhook is running on (same as Timesketch)
    • WEBHOOK_PORT- Port of the system the webhook is running on--the default for the webhook service is 9000
  • Configuration script:

    # Install webhook and unzip
    sudo apt install webhook unzip -y 
    # Install timesketch_importer
    sudo docker exec timesketch-worker bash -c "pip3 install timesketch-import-client"
    # Fix permissions
    chmod +x /opt/lcvr-to-timesketch/bash/*.sh
    # Make sure Plaso dir exists
    mkdir -p /opt/timesketch/upload/plaso
    # Configure webhook as a service
    sudo cp systemd/webhook.service /etc/systemd/system/webhook.service
    sudo systemctl enable webhook.service
    sudo systemctl start webhook.service

    I strongly recommend deploying your webhooks with HTTPS. If you wish to deploy your webhook with HTTPS, additional instructions are provided here. For this proof of concept, we're using HTTP. Modify your configs to reflect HTTPS if you deploy for production use.

  • Add the tailored outputs in LimaCharlie - limacharlie/output.yaml - ensure WEBHOOK_IP and WEBHOOK_PORT have been updated to reflect your external IP and port

    • You can add these in the respective GUI locations, or via Infrastructure as Code
      • Infrastructure as Code via Python CLI
        limacharlie configs push --oid $OID --config /path/to/lcvr-to-timesketch/limacharlie/output.yaml --outputs
      • Infrastructure as Code via GUI
      • GUI location-- Outputs
  • Add the D&R rules in LimaCharlie - limacharlie/rules.yaml

    • You can add these in the respective GUI locations, or via Infrastructure as Code
      • Infrastructure as Code via Python CLI
        limacharlie configs push --oid $OID --config /path/to/lcvr-to-timesketch/limacharlie/rules.yaml --hive-dr-general
      • Infrastructure as Code via GUI
      • GUI location - Automation --> D&R rules
  • Kick off Windows.KapeFiles.Targets artifact collection in the LimaCharlie Velociraptor extension.

    • Argument options:
      • EventLogs=Y - quicker processing time for proof of concept
      • KapeTriage=Y - typically takes longer because it collects more forensic data

  • You can watch the Live Feed for your ext-velociraptor adapter to see incoming activity -- you will see velociraptor_collection events come in when triage artifacts have completed and will soon be sent to your webhook output for processing

  • You can see the data being sent through your outputs by clicking View Samples on the outputs screen

    • This JSON is what is being sent to your webhooks, and you can see what parts of it we are using in the webhook/hooks.json file

  • If there are any errors sending data to your webhooks, you will see them under Platform Logs -> Error

  • If you have Slack notifications enabled in the webhook service, you will get progress updates in Slack

  • Plaso files tend to take a while to generate--once the plaso file has been generated (either within LimaCharlie or on your Timesketch server), it will begin importing into Timesketch. You will be able to see the import progress in the Timesketch GUI.


Pipeline to process LimaCharlie Velociraptor Triages in Timesketch



