To install these configuration files you need chezmoi installed on your system, you'll also need to tweak the secrets as this repository is specific to my use case. Once you tweaked the secrets you can just run the below command:
chezmoi init shotcowboystyle/dotfiles
Key Combination | Key Effect |
Esc | switch to vim normal mode |
Alt + c | bring fzf to do a cd |
Ctrl + z | switch app background / foreground |
Ctrl + g | bring navi with fzf |
Ctrl + r | bring history with fzf |
Ctrl + h | bring history with mcfly |
Ctrl + t | recent files using fzf |
Key Combination | Key Effect |
, | neovim leader key |
" | show registers on NORMAL mode with which-key |
Ctrl + r | show registers on INSERT mode with which-key |
up | select window at the top |
down | select window at the bottom |
left | select window to the left side |
right | select window to the right side |
c s | start vim-surround replace |
d s | remove vim-surround delimiters |
Ctrl + \ | toggle terminal using toggleterm |
leader + b d | close current buffer |
leader + b a | close all buffers |
leader + q q | close everything |
leader + l g | open lazygit on a floating terminal |
leader + m d | open glow on a floating terminal |
leader + h i | open himalaya on a floating terinal |
leader + t w | toggle concentration mode with twilight.nvim |
leader + t d | search TODO using Telescope |
leader + t t | toggle nvim-tree.lua on a left side panel |
g + c c | toggle comments |
leader + t d | open todo picker with Telescope |
leader + e m | open emoji picker with Telescope |
leader + n c | open yanks buffer with Telescope |
leader + Enter | open buffer selected with Telescope |
leader + g b | toggle git blame using Gitsigns |
leader + g h | open [ghq] repositories with Telescope |
leader + t s | open tree-sitter symbols with Telescope |
leader + f f | open files on current folder with Telescope |
leader + f b | open file browser on current folder with Telescope |
leader + g f | open files on current git repository with Telescope |
leader + r g | search using ripgrep with Telescope |
leader + z l | open files using zoxide with Telescope |
leader + m m | toggle minimap on a new tab |
leader + v v | toggle Vista on a new tab |
leader + n t | toggle numbers from Numbers |
leader + n n | disable numbers from Numbers |
leader leader + w | move to word on EasyMotion |
leader leader + k | move to line forward on EasyMotion |
leader leader + j | move to line downward on EasyMotion |
Key Combination | Key Effect |
` | tmux prefix key |
prefix + d | detach from current session |
prefix + x | close current pane |
prefix + n | go to next pane |
prefix + c | create a new window |
prefix + s | select a session |
prefix + z | zoom in current pane |
prefix + u | bring bitwarden in a fzf pane |
prefix + h | go to pane on the right |
prefix + j | go to pane on the bottom |
prefix + k | go to pane on the top |
prefix + l | go to pane on the left |
prefix + I | install tpm plugin manager |
prefix + F | open fzf on a pop-up to search the tmux buffer |
prefix + U | update tpm managed plugins |
prefix + | | split pane vertically |
prefix + - | split pane horizontally |
prefix + Tab | toggle sidebar with tree |
prefix + Backspace | toggle sidebar with tree and focus |
prefix + [ | start copy-mode |
copy-mode + o |
open selected text |
copy-mode + S |
open selected text on $EDITOR |
copy-mode + Ctrl + o |
search selected text on DuckDuckGo |
copy-mode + Space |
start selecting text to yank |
Key Combination | Key Effect |
Alt + space | skhd modal key |
modal + b | switch to bar mode |
modal + g | switch to grid mode |
modal + s | switch to swap mode |
modal + w | switch to warp mode |
modal + m | switch to move mode |
modal + f | switch to focus mode |
modal + r | switch to resize mode |
bar + left | toggle bar left item |
bar + right | toggle bar right item |
grid + d | destroy desktop |
grid + w | create desktop and follow focus |
grid + t | toggle float window |
grid + k | make float window fill screen |
grid + h | make float window fill left half of screen |
grid + l | make float window fill right half of screen |
grid + p | toggle sticky, float and resize in pip |
grid + B | balance windows |
grid + a | toggle padding |
grid + z | toggle window parent zoom |
grid + c | toggle window full-screen zoom |
grid + n | toggle window native zoom |
grid + e | toggle window split type |
grid + B | toggle window border |
grid + S | toggle sticky |
grid + A | toggle bsp layout |
grid + D | toggle float layout |
swap + h | swap window to the left |
swap + j | swap window to the bottom |
swap + k | swap window to the top |
swap + l | swap window to the right |
swap + a | rotate window around |
swap + x | rotate window on x axis |
swap + y | rotate window on y axis |
warp + h | warp window to the left |
warp + j | warp window to the bottom |
warp + k | warp window to the top |
warp + l | warp window to the right |
move + w | create desktop, move and focus |
move + h | move window to the left |
move + j | move window to the bottom |
move + k | move window to the top |
move + l | move window to the right |
move + H | insert window to the left |
move + J | insert window to the bottom |
move + K | insert window to the top |
move + L | insert window to the right |
move + cmd + x | move to last display and focus |
move + cmd + c | move to next display and focus |
move + cmd + z | move to previous display and focus |
move + cmd + 0-9 | move to display 1-10 and focus |
move + x | move window to last desktop |
move + c | move window to next desktop |
move + z | move window to previous desktop |
move + cmd + lalt + 0-9 | move window to space 1-10 and focus |
move + cmd + lshift + 0-9 | move window to space 11-20 and focus |
move + cmd + ralt + 0-9 | move window to space 21-30 and focus |
move + cmd + rshift + 0-9 | move window to space 31-40 and focus |
focus + h | focus window on the left |
focus + j | focus window on the bottom |
focus + k | focus window on the top |
focus + l | focus window on the right |
focus + cmd + lalt + 0-9 | focus space 1-10 |
focus + cmd + lshift + 0-9 | focus space 11-20 |
focus + cmd + ralt + 0-9 | focus space 21-30 |
focus + cmd + rshift + 0-9 | focus space 31-40 |
focus + x | focus last display |
focus + c | focus next display |
focus + z | focus previous display |
focus + 0-9 | focus display 1-10 |
resize + h | increase window size to the left |
resize + j | increase window size to the bottom |
resize + k | increase window size to the top |
resize + l | increase window size to the right |
resize + H | decrease window size to the left |
resize + J | decrease window size to the bottom |
resize + K | decrease window size to the top |
resize + L | decrease window size to the right |
This repository manages my configuration for the below GUI applications:
- skhd - hotkey daemon for macOS
- yabai - window management utility for macOS
- kitty - fast GPU based terminal-emulator
- alacritty - fast GPU based terminal-emulator written in rust
- [sketchybar] - status bar for macOS
This repository manages my configuration for the below CLI applications and plugins:
- sd - better
replacement written in rust - fd - better
replacement written in rust - jq - command-line JSON parser written in [c]
- xh - better
replacement written in rust - exa - better
replacement written in rust - bat - better
replacement written in rust - dog - better
replacement written in rust - duf - disk usage utility written in go
- tpm -
plugin manager - aws - tool for managing aws cloud
- fzf - general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder written in [go
- zsh - better interactive shell and replacement for
- bat - better
replacement written in rust - dust - better
replacement written in rust - navi - interactive cheat-sheet tool for the command-line
- tmux - terminal multiplexer
- p10k -
theme for prompt - cheat - better
replacement written in go - delta -
viewer written in go - gping - better
replacement written in rust - procs - better
replacement written in rust - goenv - virtual environment manager for go
- pyenv - virtual environment manager for python
- rbenv - virtual environment manager for ruby
- zinit -
plugin manager - vivid - tool for setting-up
colors - mcfly -
like tool for searching history written in rust - neovim -
re-written replacement - bottom - better
replacement written in rust - choose - better
replacement written in rust - gpg-tui -
TUI front-end written in rust - lazygit -
TUI front-end written in go - minimap -
like minimap fornvim
written in rust - ripgrep - better
replacement written in rust - chezmoi - dot files manager utility written in go
- thefuck - corrects errors in previous commands
- tealdeer - better
replacement written in rust - bitwarden - tool for managing secrets
- aws-vault - tool for fetching aws credentials using sso
- tmuxinator -
session manager - pre-commit - tool to manage
hooks - commitizen - tool to validate
commit messages - spotify-tui - TUI front-end for spotify
- taskwarrior - task management utility
- taskwarrior-tui - TUI front-end for taskwarrior written in rust
- Reddit's r/cli
- Reddit's r/vimporn
- Reddit's r/unixporn
- Reddit's r/commandline
- Vim Galore
- Awesome Privacy
- Rootknecht's CLI
- Open Source Mac Apps
- Top Command Line Tools
- Cool But Obscure Unix Tools
- Fix fzf-tab plugin
- Add mpv configuration
- Add alsa configuration
- Add xplr configuration
- Add buku configuration
- Add siggo configuration
- Add sn-cli configuration
- Fix sotrmssh configuration
- Fix newsboat configuration
- Add infracost configuration
- Fix sketchybar configuration