I took the Harvard University's online course Introduction to Computer Science(CS50x).
During the course I did the following problem sets in C language:
A simple problem set to understand conditions and loops in C
A C program that prints the mario's pyramid made with (#)
Calculates the least amount of coins to give as change using greedy algorithm.
Problem set to understand ASCII math
Prints out the initials from user inputted name
Encrypts user message with key using caesar and vigenere cipher.
It covers searching and sorting algorithm, multidimensional arrays.
Console-text based implementation of the Game of Fifteen.
Simple program to find a number from given input.
Implements Binary Search and Selection Sort.
It covers File I/O, data structures and how image files work
A program to recover JPEG's from lost SD card using .raw file as backup.
This resizes a given BMP image by factor of user inputted number.
A program to delete every red pixel from given image.