A Horizontally and Vertically scalable streaming graph Vertex-Cut partitioner for boosting partitioning algorithms. It enables to define different partitioning algorithms and executes them in a parallel scalable fashion. You can deploy HoVerCut either on a single machine or across multiple machines in a distributed fashion.
input edge file: -f
partitiong selection policy (partitioning algorithm): -a <e.g., hdrf or greedy>
number of partitions: -p
window size: -w
number of subpartitioners (threads): -t
Example: -f ./graph.txt -a greedy -p 16 -w 1000 -t 16
type of the shared state: -storage <e.g., memory or remote>
address of remote shared state: -db ip:port
output file: -output
shuffle the input edges: -shuffle <true/false>
to compute the exact degree before processing: -ed <true/false>
delimiter of input file: -d <e.g., ",">
append the results to output file: -append <true/false>
In HoVerCut, you can implement different partitioning algorithms as a partition selection policy. Currently, there are two partition selection policies are implemented: HDRF and PowerGraph Greedy.
In order to implement a new partition selection policy, you need to implement the PartitionSelectionPolicy interface.
If you find HoVerCut useful, you may cite the paper as follows:
title={Boosting vertex-cut partitioning for streaming graphs},
author={Sajjad, Hooman Peiro and Payberah, Amir H and Rahimian, Fatemeh and Vlassov, Vladimir and Haridi, Seif},
booktitle={Big Data (BigData Congress), 2016 IEEE International Congress on},