WINGS-FMSPプログラムにおける 2024年度社会数理実践研究にて、ABeam Consulting社より課題/データ提供をいただき、 以下の分析を実行しました。
- ABeam Consulting社の社員の方々のプレゼンテーション動画から音声特徴量を抽出し、 どのような特徴がプレゼンの上手さに寄与するのかをロジスティック回帰により分析しました。
- Separationの問題に対処するため、Firthの方法によるペナルティ付き最尤法でパラメータを推定しています。
- 詳細は近日中に数理科学実践研究レターに掲載される予定です。
Pythonの firthlogist
パッケージは、"A solution to the problem of separation in logistic regression" ( の著者であるG. Heinze氏により開発されているようです。
- Separationの解決策として単純にはL2 penaltyを課すことが思いつきますが、それに比べてFirthの方法によるパラメータ推定値の方が、バイアスも分散も小さくなることを確認しました。
- 特徴量が多変量正規分布していると仮定し、実データから推定されたパラメータに基づくロジット構造から人工データを生成します。
- L2 penaltyの係数はLOO CVでチューニングしました。
As part of the WINGS-FMSP program of Practical Social Mathematics Research in 2024, we received tasks and data from ABeam Consulting, and conducted the following analysis:
- We extracted audio features from presentation videos of ABeam Consulting employees and analyzed which features contribute to presentation quality using logistic regression.
- To address the problem of separation, we estimated the parameters using the penalized maximum likelihood method with Firth's correction.
- More details will be published soon in the Practical Mathematical Science Research Letter.
- Since libraries such as
are licensed under GPL-v3, this project is also released under the GPL-v3 license.
This notebook applies preprocessing to the raw presentation audio data.
This notebook calculates various features from the preprocessed presentation data.
This notebook runs logistic regression using Firth's method based on the processed dataset. It utilizes the firthlogist
package in Python.
To verify the reliability of the Python firthlogist
package, we performed the same analysis using the logistf
package in R and confirmed the consistency. The logistf
package in R was developed by G. Heinze, the author of "A solution to the problem of separation in logistic regression" (
This notebook explores the effectiveness of Firth's method in a setting close to real data through simulations.
- As a simple solution to separation, one might apply an L2 penalty, but we confirmed that Firth's method produces parameter estimates with lower bias and variance compared to L2-penalized estimates.
- Assuming that the features follow a multivariate normal distribution, we generated synthetic data based on the logistic structure estimated from real data.
- The L2 penalty coefficient was tuned using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO CV).
This notebook tests formant estimation using Praat on my recordings of the vowels "a", "i", "u", "e", and "o".