- Run SQL queries and display results
- Edit cells on the fly
- Add/remove rows/columns/cells
- Rename anything
- MySQL support (more eventually)
- Serialization
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build
xterm-256 color mode must be enabled in the settings in order for color highlighting to function in these environments as well. MobaXterm, GitBash, and the most recent Windows terminal should all support these on Windows. Linux supports out of the box.
Large databases (tens of thousands of rows) make it slow sometimes. PRs open for optimization/ batching etc... Headers wig out sometimes in column expansion or selection view. Mouse controls don't might not work over SSH from Windows clients.
-p database path
-h prints this message
Scroll up + down to navigate table
Move cursor to select cells for full screen viewing
[WASD] to move around cells
[ENTER] to select selected cell for full screen view
[UP/K and DOWN/J] to navigate schemas
[M(scroll up) and N(scroll down)] to scroll manually
[Q or CTRL+C] to quit program
[B] to toggle borders!
[C] to expand column
[P] in selection mode to write cell to file
[ESC] to exit full screen view