This project implements a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) to generate realistic images of clothing items using the FashionMNIST dataset.
: Contains the complete code and implementation for the DCGAN model, including data preprocessing, model architecture, training loop, and result visualization.Images/
: Directory to store sample generated images during training.
Ensure you have Python 3 installed. The project also requires several Python packages which can be installed using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
jupyter notebook FashionMNIST_DCGAN.ipynb
Discriminator losses gradually increase as it becomes harder to distinguish between real and fake images.
Generator losses decrease as it becomes better at generating realistic images.
Epoch 10: Blurry and lacking detail.
Epoch 30: Improved clarity and texture.
Epoch 50: Significant enhancements with detailed and realistic images.
The project successfully demonstrates the ability of a DCGAN to generate realistic images of clothing items from the FashionMNIST dataset. Further training and model refinement can yield even better results.