- mlvm - A complete symlink working alternative to nvm written in pure Rust (alternative to fnm)
- vault - A simplified version control system built in Rust for local files, quite similar to how git functions.
- Vanish - ( 🔴 BROKEN ) A simple config tool to make locally trusted X.509 development certificates for your domains. ( Alternative to MKCERT written in Rust)
- proximity - A self deployable terminal chat application, built using web socket implemented in C!
- rds - ( 🔴 INCOMPLETE ) A disccord music bot written in Rust and Serenity.
- term_ansi - A compilation of rust macros to implement ANSI Colour Codings in terminal
- react-maps - A react Components Library that deals with Maps...
- libaddress - A robust TypeScript/JavaScript library designed for handling addresses across multiple countries having different formats.
- prism - ( 🔴 BROKEN ) A minimalist web framework ( Replica of ExpressJS ) written from scratch in TypeScript.
- go-json-db - A JSON Database similar to MongoDB(Atlas) implemented in Golang.
- Ved Analytics - A privacy focussed website analytics platform you can use to generate beautiful dashboards for your websites
- Flux Mail - A temp mail service and a SMTP Server written from scratch in Rust. Use it at https://flux-mail.shubh.sh
- Moann - A lightweight, lightning fast, multithreaded alternative to Mechvibes for mechanical keyboard sound simulation
- Otter - Make Unlimited Discord decorations for free 🎀
- 2048 - A 2048 game implemented in Flutter/Dart
- 2025 - Self-Hosted Calender for the year 2025 with custom events https://2025.shubh.sh