A Encapsulation to the UITableView with EGORefreshTableHeaderView and LoadMoreTableFooterView and download image async
Be sure that you have installed cocoapods!!!
enter your project's root dir and add this line to your podfile
pod 'ELTableViewController'
then do install:
[sudo] pod install
Copy the folder ELTableViewController and the bundle ELTableViewController.bundle into your project.
- 2013-09-13 : add some utility methods
weibo list and many tableview controllers based on it.
##Functions list
- non-UITableViewDataSource
- non-UITableViewDelegate
- automatic async-image download for each cell (optional)
- refresh function (optional)
- load more function (optional)
- some utility methods
#Contact & More Details
desc:see My Blog
any problem, let me know:
enjoy and have fun!