Firmware and Progressive Web App to connect to a DIY bluetooth enabled coffee and espresso scale.
Zip-o-mat / Slic3r
Forked from slic3r/Slic3rSlic3r with integrated electronics and Nonplanar slicer (see branches)
Total Open Station downloads and exports survey data from your total station
An open source nesting application for laser cutters, plasma cutters and other CNC machines
cheap lipo charger
🍃 macOS app that uses the paperless API to manage your document scans.
This is an Arduino library providing an emulation of the CAN communication protocol of the BMS (battery management system) on a Renault Twizy.
A curated list of papers & resources linked to 3D reconstruction from images.
Addon for Blender meant to streamline dental CAD and design workflows
Architecture of the CRCLR Lab Office located at Agora Rollberg, Berlin
Mechaduino hardware design files. Project logs:
vedderb / bldc-hardware
Forked from mrkindustries/bldcBrushless DC Motor controller from Benjamin Vedder
Open Source Solar Inverter - Software, Hardware, Mechanics
Low cost servo drive for small CNC machinery
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
Collection of software and hardware design to transform a Teensy 3.0 in a USB compliant audio device
An NFC research toolkit application for Android
Configuration and diagnostic tool for Mesa Electronics PCI(E)/ETH/EPP/USB/SPI boards