This repo contains training and testing code for our paper on Im2Pano3D. More information about the project can be found in our paper and project webset
The code and data are organized as follows:
|-- matlab_code
|-- torch_code
|-- models
|-- datalist
|-- data
|-- mpv3
|-- suncgpano
- Requirements for torch (see: torch installation instructions)
- Install torch-hdf5
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev hdf5-tools
git clone
cd torch-hdf5
luarocks make hdf5-0-0.rockspec LIBHDF5_LIBDIR="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
- Dwonload training and testing panorama data: ./ [41 G]
- Dwonload models: ./ [1.7 G]
Export path
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cudnn/v5/lib64
Train on SUNCG data
cd torch_code/
name=suncg maskType=twoview loss_xyz=1 loadOpt=rgbpns Gtype_in=rgbpns Gtype_out=pns dataset=suncg dataPath=../data/suncgpano/ DATA_ROOT=../datalist/trainlist_suncgroom8_10000.txt gpu=1 th train.lua 2>&1 | tee ./checkpoints/training_suncg.log
Train on Matterport3D data
cd torch_code/
name=mp maskType=twoview loss_xyz=1 loadOpt=rgbpns Gtype_in=rgbpns Gtype_out=pns dataset=mp dataPath=../data/mpv3/ DATA_ROOT=../datalist/trainlist_mp3.txt gpu=1 th train.lua 2>&1 | tee ./checkpoints/training_suncg.log
- Supported input output modalities:
Gtype_in | Gtype_out | loadOpt |
(input) | (output) | (load type) |
pns | pns | pns |
rgbpn | pns | rgbpns |
rgbpns | pns | rgbpns |
rgb | pns | rgbpns |
- Supported mask types (maskType):
twoview: Input two views of the panorama and predicts the other two. (a)
1camera: one normal camera (b)
3camera: three normal cameras (c)
middlecamera: Input six RGB-D camera looking horizantoally forward (d)
upcamera: Input six RGB-D camera looking upwards (e)
random: random mask
nomask: No mask applied in the input image. Example usage, input rgb panorama output pns.(f)\
name=mp_twoview_rgbpns maskType=twoview dataset=suncg dataPath=../data/suncgpano/ checkpoints_dir=../checkpoints DATA_ROOT=../datalist/testlist_suncgroom8.txt how_many=480 th test.lua
Testing with pre-trained models:
name=mpft_suncg_pns_pns_twoview maskType=twoview dataset=suncg dataPath=../data/suncgpano/ checkpoints_dir=../models DATA_ROOT=../datalist/testlist_suncgroom8.txt how_many=480 th test.lua
See ./matlab_code/pano_io/pano_demo.m
. It shows how to \
- Compute the 3D pointcloud from depth representation. \
- Compute the 3D pointcloud from plane equation representation. \
Code is inspired by DCGAN, DCGAN, Context-Encoder and pix2pix.