This application is for simple company profile with already have content management system. This application running with Laravel 9 that update from 7.
- Landing Page
- Admin Page
- Dashboard
- News
- Category
- Tag
- Gallery
- Slideshow
- Static Page
- Agenda with Calendar Style
- Advertisement
- Annoucement
- Message
- Users
- General Setting
- Dynamic Menu Navigation for landing page
- php >= 8.0.2
- composer
First, git clode this repo
$ git clone "yourdirname"
Enter to directory that you clonned, then create environment your database with copy config from .env.example to .env, in your command line.
$ cd yourdirname
$ cp .env.sample .env
install all vendor
$ composer install
After you done with it, now please create new key
$ php artisan key:generate
Before access the installer, purge the all configuration
$ php artisan optimize:clear
To run it in the browser, you can use valet like yourdirname.test
, or if you don't have valet installed, you run development serve like so
$ php artisan serve
Access the installer
Access the Admin Panel
I have make a simple console for create admin account, running from your cli.
$ php artisan create:admin
Your will get some input, after that you can login.
- This application using some javascript package include axios from cdn, so you need some internet to using it.
- This application still using Indonesian Language, for the future I will update all to English