- Arkhangelsk, Russia
📫 SMTP Server + Web Interface for viewing and testing emails during development.
Python module for communicating with Zont API (https://zont-online.ru/api/docs/) to monitor and manage supported devices
VSCode extension for formatting Python code with black.
Plain react carousel, without complications
dotenv for shells with support for POSIX-compliant and multiple .env file syntax
Real-time log monitoring in your browser
Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
learn React.js with Brian Holt
scp upload plugin for Shutter, the screenshot tool
Python Redmine is a library for communicating with a Redmine project management application
side2k / django-filebrowser-no-grappelli-and-uploadify
Forked from qrilka/django-filebrowser-no-grappelli-and-uploadifydjango-filebrowser 3 with modifications to work with the default Django admin site and with old upload page (no flash)
Modular search for Django. Currently v2.0.0-beta.
Django 1.2 compatible django-multilingual branch with admin UI improvements
Custom filter framework for the Django Admin.
Munin plugin for monitoring S3 used storage size per bucket
side2k / munin-plugins
Forked from dancefire/munin-pluginsApache2 Vhost monitoring Munin Plugins
Django module to easily send templated emails using django templates, or using a transactional mail provider (mailchimp, silverpop, etc.)
modification of cmsplugin-news which gets news from remote site