NSMIRACLE is a Multi-InteRfAce Cross-Layer Extension for the Network Simulator version 2.
Its main features are:
- to allow researches to re-define and extend the protocol stack in a flexible and modular way
- to provide support for inter-protocol and inter-layer interaction, by providing means to exchange cross-layer messages
- to provide effective support for multiple and heterogeneous interfaces
- to allow easy, modular and hence flexible implementation of new wireless technologies
- to provide support for improved modeling and simulation of wireless communications with respect to the well-known shortcomings of the current NS release (2.31 at the time of this writing)
- further info and documentation can be found at https://nsmiracle.dei.unipd.it/
The nsmiracle distribution contains the following software:
- the nsmiracle core library
- several additional libraries which provide:
- CBR applications
- Cross-layer message tracers
- IP functionality (ip-interface correspondance and routing support)
- TCP (wrapper for ns2 TCP modules)
- Miracle PHY - a library and API for the implementation of wireless technologies
- port multiplexers
- 80211 (wrapper for ns2 implementations, including dei80211mr)
- additional tools for dei80211mr use in nsmiracle
- mobility models (e.g., Gauss-Markov mobility)
The nsmiracle library has been developed in 2007 by (in alfabetical order):
Nicola Baldo ([email protected])
Federico Maguolo ([email protected])
Marco Miozzo ([email protected])
At that time, all authors were with the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy.
Further contributions and improvements have been developed through the years by (in alfabetical order):
Federico Guerra ([email protected])
Andrea Mior ([email protected])
Michele Rossi ([email protected])