(AAAI 2024) DistilVPR: Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation for Visual Place Recognition 🚀🚀🚀
Ubuntu 20.04 python 3.8 CUDA >= 11.8 PyTorch >= 2.0
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
MinkowskiEngine https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine
conda install openblas-devel -c anaconda pip install pip==22.3.1 pip install -U git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine -v --no-deps --install-option="--blas_include_dirs=${CONDA_PREFIX}/include" --install-option="--blas=openblas"
pip install scikit-learn pip install tqdm pip install pytorch-metric-learning==1.1 pip install tensorboard
The datasets are uploaded at Google Drive. Please download them and unzip them. You need to change some arguments in tools/options.py
as the directories:
The teachers' weights are stored in teacher_weights/
, which is also uploaded at Google Drive.
We currently provide examples where the teacher is MinkLoc++ and the student is ResNet18+GeM (MinkLoc++2D):
# oxford
python train.py --model minklocmmcat \
--teacher_weights_path teacher_weights/oxford__T:minklocmmcat__resnet18__img256__pc128__32_64_64__1_1_1__1__allstgF__b128__trainteacher/models/r1_best_ep57_97.24.pth \
--rkdgloss_weight 10 --crosslogitdistloss_weight_st2ss 0.1 --crosslogitsimloss_weight_st2ss 0.1 --crosslogitgeodistloss_weight_st2ss 0.1;
# boreas
python train.py --model minklocmmcat \
--teacher_weights_path teacher_weights/boreas__T:minklocmmcat__resnet18__img256__pc128__32_64_64__1_1_1__1__allstgF__b128__trainteacher/models/r1_best_ep48_93.05.pth \
--rkdgloss_weight 1 --crosslogitdistloss_weight_st2ss 0.1 --crosslogitsimloss_weight_st2ss 0.1 --crosslogitgeodistloss_weight_st2ss 0.1;
title={DistilVPR: Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation for Visual Place Recognition},
author={Wang, Sijie and She, Rui and Kang, Qiyu and Jian, Xingchao and Zhao, Kai and Song, Yang and Tay, Wee Peng},
booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},