Ehviewer_CN_SXJ Public
Forked from xiaojieonly/Ehviewer_CN_SXJehviewer,用爱发电,快乐前行
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 4, 2023 -
mmdetection Public
Forked from open-mmlab/mmdetectionOpen MMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 28, 2023 -
Pillow Public
Forked from python-pillow/PillowThe friendly PIL fork (Python Imaging Library)
Python Other UpdatedNov 30, 2021 -
YOLOX Public
Forked from Megvii-BaseDetection/YOLOXYOLOX is a high-performance anchor-free YOLO, exceeding yolov3~v5 with MegEngine, ONNX, TensorRT, ncnn, and OpenVINO supported. Documentation: https://yolox.readthedocs.io/
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 10, 2021 -
waifu2x Public
Forked from nagadomi/waifu2xImage Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
Lua MIT License UpdatedOct 30, 2021 -
Golang_Puzzlers Public
Forked from hyper0x/Golang_PuzzlersAn example project, for my column named "Core Golang - 36 lessons"
Go UpdatedOct 22, 2021 -
pytorch-sentiment-analysis Public
Forked from bentrevett/pytorch-sentiment-analysisTutorials on getting started with PyTorch and TorchText for sentiment analysis.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 15, 2021 -
pedestrian_hog_python Public
Python3 implementation for pedestrian detection using HOG and SVM.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 16, 2020 -
FCOS Public
Forked from tianzhi0549/FCOSFCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection (ICCV'19)
Python Other UpdatedApr 7, 2020 -
Pedestron Public
Forked from hasanirtiza/Pedestron[Pedestron] Pedestrian Detection: The Elephant In The Room. On ArXiv 2020
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 1, 2020 -
CSP Public
Forked from liuwei16/CSPHigh-level Semantic Feature Detection: A New Perspective for Pedestrian Detection, CVPR, 2019
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 16, 2019 -
RDSNet Public
Forked from wangsr126/RDSNetimplement for paper: "RDSNet: A New Deep Architecture for Reciprocal Object Detection and Instance Segmentation"
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 12, 2019 -
CSP-pedestrian-detection-in-pytorch Public
Forked from lwpyr/CSP-pedestrian-detection-in-pytorchUnofficially Pytorch implementation of High-level Semantic Feature Detection: A New Perspective for Pedestrian Detection
Python UpdatedJun 28, 2019 -
Switchable-Normalization Public
Forked from switchablenorms/Switchable-NormalizationCode for Switchable Normalization from "Differentiable Learning-to-Normalize via Switchable Normalization", https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.10779
HTML UpdatedApr 16, 2019