Inspired by @axvr raider and photon theme.
Install this colour scheme using your preferred method, then place the following lines in your Vim configuration.
set termguicolors
colorscheme tachyon
Raider.vim is a true-colour Vim theme. If your terminal emulator does not support true/24-bit colours, the colours won't match those in the above screenshot.
Ghostty, Alacritty and GNU Emacs ports of this theme can be found on the
Built with Vim Colourtemplate.
No Rights Reserved.
All source code, documentation and associated files packaged with raider.vim are
dedicated to the public domain. A full copy of the CC0 (Creative Commons
Zero 1.0 Universal) public domain dedication should have been provided with this
extension in the COPYING
The author is not aware of any patent claims which may affect the use, modification or distribution of this software.