SharedSolutions Public
Forked from CodingChallengesFYI/SharedSolutionsPublicly shared solutions to Coding Challenges
MIT License UpdatedJan 19, 2024 -
SAPDev-Aug23 Public
SAP Developers challenges in August 2023
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 24, 2023 -
CACoq Public
Fomalization of Constraint Automata in the Coq proof assistant.
Coq GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 25, 2019 -
noworkflow Public
Forked from gems-uff/noworkflowSupporting infrastructure to run scientific experiments without a scientific workflow management system.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 20, 2019 -
EDA-20191 Public
Trabalho computacional para a disciplina de Estruturas de Dados e Algoritmos - PCG UFF 2019/1
C UpdatedJun 8, 2019 -
reo-graphical-editor Public
Forked from ReoLanguage/reo-graphical-editorWeb-based graphical editor for Reo language
JavaScript UpdatedMar 31, 2019 -
Trabalho da disciplina de Bancos de Dados II ministrada pelo Professor Dr. Luiz André Leme.
PLpgSQL UpdatedJun 19, 2018 -
Provas-POSCOMP Public
Forked from amimaro/Provas-POSCOMPProvas e gabaritos da POSCOMP, sem marcação das respostas 📚
UpdatedJun 4, 2018 -
BPLC Public
Forked from ChristianoBraga/PiFrameworkpi-lib (formely BPLC) is a library of basic programming languages constructs whose semantics are formally specified as pi-automata. Therefore, to give semantics to a programming language means to r…
Makefile UpdatedMay 22, 2018 -
RGCoq Public
Formalization of Regular Languages Theory formalisms such as Regular Grammars and Finite Automata in the Coq proof assistant.