Practice repo for learning web development using Flask.
To run: (note the following terminal commands are for Bash)
- Initialise flask by first telling it where to find the application with "export FLASK_APP=flaskr"
- Declare environment with one of the following options a) "export FLASK_ENV=product" b) "export FLASK_ENV=testing" c) "export FLASK_ENV=development"
- Initialise the SQL database with "flask init-db"
- Lastly run the application with "flask run"
- The terminal should display something along the lines of:
- Serving Flask app "flaskr"
- Environment: product
- Debug mode: off
- Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Simply navigate to in a browser of your choice to explore the application. If another program is already using port 5000 you'll recieve an OSError. Instructions to circumvent this can be found here
Note that step 3) only needs to be done once. Running this later will wipe and reinitialise the SQL database resulting in a reset of all users and posts.