Simons Observatory Time Resolved Pipeline Library
Porting files from the ACT depth-1 transient pipeline. Creating a test setup of the SO map-domain transient pipeline which will start by ingesting .FITS depth-1 maps.
astroquery photutils
pipe-s0004 sims for 3 days and 4 optics tubes at 90 / 150 GHz are available in the productdb and have been saved to tiger3 in
I've run the maps through the matched filtering function matched_filter_depth1_map
in sotrplib/filters/
using a beam fwhm of 2.2 arcmin at f090 and 1.4 arcmin at f150.
An example use of the source extraction pipeline can be run using the script sotrplib/
This script can also be used to coadd depth1 maps before source-finding.
Right now, sources are saved in json files as SourceCandidate
objects which will in the future be directly stored in the SO source catalog and lightcurve databases.
You have to create the output directory before running.
Here is an example of running the source extraction pipeline on individual depth1 maps from the sims, using the input websky catalog as the known-source catalog.
Sources are extracted above s/n ratio of 5 and the input source catalog is limited to sources above 30mJy.
The --simulation
tag tells the script to record the injected source fluxes given in the catalog along with the recovered source fluxes.
tells the script to save the extracted sources in .json format and --plot-output
tells the script where to save the files (name should be changed, but also tells the script where to save the plots if you choose to make them.)
python --maps /scratch/gpfs/SIMONSOBS/users/amfoster/scratch/pipe-s0004_depth1/1696*/depth1*rho.fits --save-json --plot-output /scratch/gpfs/SIMONSOBS/users/[youruser]/scratch/pipe-s0004_depth1_extracted_sources/ -s 5 --verbose --source-catalog /scratch/gpfs/SIMONSOBS/users/amfoster/so/pipe-s0004_depth1_sims/websky_cat_100_1mJy.csv --flux-threshold 0.03 --simulation
Warning: the websky sims have a lot of sources, so make sure to set the flux threshold to avoid including the several hundred thousand low-flux sources.
python --maps /scratch/gpfs/SIMONSOBS/so/maps/actpol/depth1/15873/*rho.fits --save-json --plot-output /scratch/gpfs/SIMONSOBS/users/[youruser]/scratch/act_depth1_extracted_sources/ -s 5 --verbose --source-catalog /scratch/gpfs/SIMONSOBS/users/amfoster/depth1_act_maps/inputs/PS_S19_f090_2pass_optimalCatalog.fits
python --maps /scratch/gpfs/SIMONSOBS/so/maps/actpol/depth1/158*/*rho.fits --save-json --plot-output /scratch/gpfs/SIMONSOBS/users/[youruser]/scratch/act_depth1_extracted_sources/ -s 5 --verbose --source-catalog /scratch/gpfs/SIMONSOBS/users/amfoster/depth1_act_maps/inputs/PS_S19_f090_2pass_optimalCatalog.fits --coadd-n-days 7
This script will run the same way as the previous example, however it will coadd observations in 7 day bins before performing the source-finding.
The trp_pipeline consists of the following steps:
- Group maps (i.e. Figure out which maps belong in which time bin)
- Load map or coadd maps within one time bin.
- Perform preprocessing (i.e.
, masking, and perhaps flatfielding if depth1) - Extract sources.
- Compare extracted sources to external catalog(s); i.e. perform the sift operation.
- Output the source candidates, tagged via the sifter