In this project, I'm going to design a confectionery (pastry shop) with full features of a real project. Registering with phone number, ordering, writing comments and other things with online payment. I'm going to use docker. The databse is MySql and I hope this project help me to improve my programming skills.
I've Started this project at 31 Tir 1403. I've downloaded 3 templates from free css and I'm going to use one of the as my front-end files.
I'm writing theese things for learning a bit about Mark Down and I'm testing something like Bold texts, Italic texts, both Bold and Italic texts underlined texts in github which has used ins tag and some other things. So don't bother yourself to read this notes 😊
It's similar to HTML and easy to learn. You can use span tag to use color in your text or in background-color or in font-family or in font-size or ...
It's enough for now. Let's Start the real project.
Mohammad Pourmohammadi Fallah