Zexacore is a pretty content management system developed for building corporate websites.
Although it is still under development, you can see the admin panel using the following details.
- Laravel 8
- Vue & Vuex
- TailwindCSS
- Jest
- ESLint
- JWT Auth
- Airbnb JS Style Guide
- Change document root from public_html to public_html/public
- Create a database and an user
- Rename the .env.example file as .env and edit
- Run the commands in order
git clone https://github.com/sinan4yildiz/zexacore.git .
chgrp 99 public (as root user)
chmod 750 public
composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
php artisan key:generate
php artisan jwt:secret
php artisan migration:fresh --seed
npm install
npm run dev
- Frontend has not yet been developed.
- Feel free to have it and develop for any purpose.
- There might still be some bugs. If you notice anything please open an issue.
- If you have a suggestion please let me know.
Code with passion ❤️