Saving 400 million euro of public health care money from reckless vendors
A lightweight (350MB) Lisp interpreter in Malbolge Unshackled, often dubbed the hardest turing complete programming language.
A repo which uses minecraft code to generate terrain and perfom checks on it
Rust Implementation of the Buttplug Sex Toy Control Protocol
An interactive Git learning game!
RAMspeed/SMP, a cache and memory benchmarking tool
Nix written in rust (this will take some time if it will ever finish)
An EFI Byte Code (EBC) assembler, based on fasmg
xoreaxeaxeax / sandsifter
Forked from Battelle/sandsifterThe x86 processor fuzzer
Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
this is a collection of serious agile methods which you can use to run your company into the ground like a professional consultant without having to pay an arm and a leg for it