Network performance benchmarks for AWS Fargate and AWS Lambda.
Here are some results from benchmarks performed on eu-west-1 and eu-north-1 regions on 2024-06-15. See analysis/2024/results.ipynb for more detailed graphs.
vCPU | Memory (MB) | Baseline (Gbps) | Burst (Gbps) | Burst Duration (seconds) |
0.25 | 512 | 0.063 | 4.214 | 410 |
0.25 | 1024 | 0.127 | 4.525 | 560 |
0.25 | 2048 | 0.254 | 4.688 | 710 |
0.50 | 1024 | 0.127 | 4.571 | 630 |
0.50 | 2048 | 0.254 | 4.705 | 780 |
0.50 | 4096 | 0.508 | 4.888 | 1000 |
1.00 | 2048 | 0.254 | 4.577 | 730 |
1.00 | 4096 | 0.508 | 4.895 | 1120 |
1.00 | 8192 | 0.744 | 9.719 | 300 |
2.00 | 4096 | 0.744 | 9.720 | 340 |
2.00 | 8192 | 0.744 | 9.556 | 310 |
2.00 | 16384 | 1.241 | 9.827 | 710 |
4.00 | 8192 | 1.241 | 9.829 | 640 |
4.00 | 16384 | 1.241 | 9.869 | 750 |
4.00 | 30720 | 1.241 | 9.735 | 550 |
- Baseline performance seems to change based on allocated memory
- With 1024 MB you get ~125 Mbps
- With 2048 MB you get ~250 Mbps
- With 4096 MB you get ~500 Mbps (1 vCPU or less) or ~750 Mbps (2 vCPUs)
- With 8192 MB you get ~750 Mbps (2 vCPU or less) or ~1250 Mbps (4 vCPUs)
- With 16 GB or 32 GB you get ~1250 Mbps
- Burst performance is either around 5 Gbps (smaller tasks) or 10 Gbps (larger tasks)
- Burst duration is longer for larger tasks (but not always)
- Performance is very similar to that in eu-north-1
vCPU | Memory (MB) | Baseline (Gbps) | Burst (Gbps) | Burst Duration (seconds) |
0.25 | 512 | 0.063 | 4.185 | 410 |
0.25 | 1024 | 0.127 | 4.547 | 570 |
0.25 | 2048 | 0.254 | 4.683 | 920 |
0.50 | 1024 | 0.127 | 4.584 | 540 |
0.50 | 2048 | 0.254 | 4.738 | 820 |
0.50 | 4096 | 0.508 | 4.819 | 900 |
1.00 | 2048 | 0.254 | 4.706 | 920 |
1.00 | 4096 | 0.508 | 4.782 | 1080 |
1.00 | 8192 | 0.744 | 9.720 | 310 |
2.00 | 4096 | 0.775 | 11.802 | 260 |
2.00 | 8192 | 0.744 | 9.720 | 350 |
2.00 | 16384 | 1.241 | 9.729 | 660 |
4.00 | 8192 | 1.241 | 9.828 | 710 |
4.00 | 16384 | 1.241 | 9.827 | 700 |
4.00 | 30720 | 1.241 | 9.747 | 710 |
- Baseline performance seems to change based on allocated memory
- With 1024 MB you get ~125 Mbps
- With 2048 MB you get ~250 Mbps
- With 4096 MB you get ~500 Mbps (1 vCPU or less) or ~750 Mbps (2 vCPUs)
- With 8192 MB you get ~750 Mbps (2 vCPU or less) or ~1250 Mbps (4 vCPUs)
- With 16 GB or 32 GB you get ~1250 Mbps
- Burst performance is either around 5 Gbps (smaller tasks) or 10 Gbps (larger tasks)
- Burst duration is longer for larger tasks
- Performance is very similar to that in eu-west-1
Here are some results from benchmarks performed on eu-west-1 and eu-north-1 regions on 2024-06-15. See analysis/2024/results-lambda.ipynb for more detailed graphs.
Memory (MB) | Baseline (Gbps) | Burst (Gbps) | Burst Duration (seconds) |
128 | 0.597 | 2.109 | 0 |
256 | 0.618 | 2.691 | 0 |
512 | 0.611 | 2.735 | 0 |
1024 | 0.611 | 2.740 | 0 |
1792 | 0.611 | 2.738 | 0 |
2048 | 0.609 | 2.752 | 0 |
3008 | 0.600 | 2.750 | 0 |
Memory (MB) | Baseline (Gbps) | Burst (Gbps) | Burst Duration (seconds) |
128 | 0.596 | 2.043 | 0 |
256 | 0.614 | 2.675 | 0 |
512 | 0.612 | 2.742 | 0 |
1024 | 0.609 | 2.739 | 0 |
1792 | 0.604 | 2.740 | 0 |
2048 | 0.607 | 2.732 | 0 |
3008 | 0.568 | 2.749 | 0 |
10240* | 0.580 | 2.696 | 0 |
* Benchmark with 10240 MB of memory was performed separately from others on 2024-07-22.
- Lambda functions have a stable 600 Mbps network throughput with a small burst to 2.7 Gbps in the beginning
- Burst throughput has increased from 1.7 Gbps (2020) to 2.7 Gbps (2024)
- No differences between regions
You must have the following setup to be able to run these benchmarks:
- AWS credentials with admin level privileges
- AWS account with VPC and Subnets from sjakthol/aws-account-infra.
- Docker
Once setup, you can deploy the benchmark infra (ECR, ECS, Roles, Security Groups, Log Groups) by running
make deploy-infra
in this directory. Once the ECR registry has been created, you'll need to build the Docker image used for benchmarks:
make build tag push
Use one of the benchmark targets from the Makefile to execute benchmarks:
make benchmark-fargate-512-1024 # benchmark of Fargate container with 0.5vCPU and 1GB memory
The targets will create a Fargate task of specified size, execute the benchmark and delete the resources used in the benchmark.
You must have the following setup to be able to run these benchmarks:
- AWS credentials with admin level privileges
- AWS account with VPC and Subnets from sjakthol/aws-account-infra.
- Docker
Once setup, you can deploy the benchmark infra (ECR, ECS, Roles, Security Groups, Log Groups) by running
make deploy-infra
in this directory. Once done, you'll need to prepare the Lambda function by running
(cd lambda && make lib)
Finally, you'll need to deploy the iperf3 server run running
make deploy-lambda-server
Use one of the benchmark targets from the Makefile to execute benchmarks:
make benchmark-lambda-512 # benchmark of Lambda function 512 MB of memory
make benchmark-lambda_all # benchmark different configs one by one
The targets will create a Lambda function of specified size, execute the benchmark and delete the resources used in the benchmark.
Delete the iperf3 server by running
make delete-lambda-server
This project uses iperf3 to measure network performance.
For Fargate, we package an iperf3 server into a Docker container, deploy the container as a Fargate task and create an EC2 instance to execute iperf3 client against the iperf3 server in Fargate. Benchmarks configure iperf3 client to use 10 connections to execute a 15 minute benchmark in reverse mode (server sends the data to the client, not the other way around).
For Lambda, we package an iperf3 client into a Lambda function, deploy an iperf3 server into EC2 and execute iperf3 client in Lambda against an iperf3 server in EC2. Benchmarks configure iperf3 client to use 1 connection to execute a 60 minute benchmark (client sends data to server).
Benchmark results are saved to Amazon S3 as JSON with the output from iperf3 as well as some custom metadata from the execution.