A CRUD application with JAVAFX and Microsoft SQL Database. This Application can be on local database. As well as this is our 3rd year university team project 😃. You can track and maintain every workflow of a Building Society.
- Login/Logout System.
- Manager Login.
- Resident Login.
- Guard Login.
- Manager End
- Montoring daily activites in the building.
- Parkings
- Staff Attandance
- Visitor Traffic
- Flats/Tenant
- New Flat/Tenant account Addition.
- Update, Delete, Search, Sort, Filter on flats and tenant database.
- Regulate flat owner and tenant.
- Staff
- Get every staffs information.
- Recruite new staff.
- Terminate staff
- Search, Filter on there information on database.
- Parking Allocation
- Regulate day to day parking traffic.
- Manage parking slot according to the flats.
- Filteration on there database.
- Collect Payments
- Track daily, Monthly, Yearly payments.
- Complain Box
- Getting live notification on day to day complain of resident.
- Filter the complain on different categories.
- Solved/Unsolved problem track.
- Notice Board
- Push notice(Global/Individual)
- Refresh notice
- Categorical filter
- Edit, Remove manpulation of notices
- Personal profile
- Self information overview.
- Password changeability.
- Montoring daily activites in the building.
- Flat/Tenant End
- Complain Box
- Make complain to Manager.
- Manipulate(Edit/delete) own complain.
- Make Payments
- Make utility or any kind of residential payment.
- Filter on different categories.
- Get invoice slip of payment.
- Payment complition notification.
- Notice Board
- Watch over day to day notices and react to them. *Profile
- Edit, Remove profile information.
- Password changeability.
- Complain Box
- Guard End
- Track parking/Staff Track/Visitor Track
- Filter daily car track based on date,time.
- Searching on database.
- Addition/Edit/Deletion
- Staff In time, Out Time
- Car In time, Out Time
- Visitor In Time, Out Time
- Track parking/Staff Track/Visitor Track
- Language : Java 11
- Framework : JavaFX 12
- Database : Microsoft SQL 2014
- Extarnal Libraries : JFoenix 9,SQL Libraries 7.4
- Design Tools : SceneBuilder, AdobeXD, Photoshop, Illustrator
- IDE : Intellij