Go DFS is a distributed filesystem inspired by the GoogleFS and Hadoop projects. The project utilizes a Namenode process to manage File and Block metadata, in order to manage the files across many Datanodes. Files are broken into Blocks whose headers contain the nexecessary metadata in order to decontruct, distribute, and reconstruct the data contents.
The Namenode process constructs a dynamic filesystem by merging Block metadata provided by Datanodes as they connect to the system. A client submits requests to the Namenode to insert or retrieve files from the datanodes, which manage Block level writes and retrieval. Many datanodes can be added or removed on demand, granting a scalable data model for future projects which would like to improve upon this design.
Using Go version >= 1.2(download), run go install on each package and the main level directory. This will create the godfs executable.
Start up processses
godfs namenode [configuration location]
godfs datanode [configuration location]
godfs client [configuration location]
Insert a file :
put [local file absolute path] [desired remote path]
Retrieve a file :
get [remotepath] [localpath]
List remote filesystem contents
Run the following in serparate processes from the top level directory:
Start the namenode
sjarvie/GoDFS$ godfs namenode namenode/examplenamenode.xml
Start a datanode :
sjarvie/GoDFS$ godfs datanode datanode/exampledatanode.xml
Start the client
sjarvie/GoDFS$ godfs client client/exampleclient.xml
Insert a file :
put /home/sjarvie/localfile.txt /remotefile.txt
Retrieve a file :
get /remotefile.txt /home/sjarvie/out.txt
In each directory (client, datanode, namenode, toplevel) run
`go test`