This is a daily journal app designed to help you track your daily moods and the activities that may have contributed to these moods. This app is HEAVILY INSPIRED by The Daylio App
- Firebase
- Google Charts
- React
- Firebase storage
- Firebase Realtime Database
- ✅ Create a header with the name of the month, left and right arrows, and a search icon.
- ✅ Create a nav bar at the bottom with 4 pages and a 5th icon in the middle to add a new entry.
- Nav Pages
- Entries: list of all entries in the journal sorted chronologically
- Stats: shows stats related to your mood and activities
- Friends/Notifications: Notifications from friends
- Profile: Profiles settings, gallery etc
- Other Pages
- Entry Form: This is the page where we enter and submit new journal entries.
- Animate the card by sliding up from the bottom.
- Use params to set state when the page loads.
- DateTime: input type:datetime-local value:current-time max:EOD today required
- Mood: radio int values 1-5, The values will be represented by emojis
- Note: input type:text
- Activity: Checkbox of all activities that happened that day
- Add Photo: Add photo from device or take photo
- Add voice note: Upload voice note.
- Voice note can be sellected as a highlight which can be shared with friends
- Search Page: Searches for entries and activities (maybe even friends)
- Friend's Profile Page:
- Charts: recent mood history.
- Highlighted voice notes.
- Send voice note.
- Entry Form: This is the page where we enter and submit new journal entries.
- Daylio App
- icons website