A data set of 63.9 million tweets from 13.0 million users from over 100 countries which contain one of the following keywords: BlackLivesMatter, AllLivesMatter and BlueLivesMatter.
Warning Full tweets (and associated meta-data) are not sharable. This repo only contains Tweet IDs which you must rehydrate yourself.
Data is available at Zenodo.
Daily tweet counts are available in the tweet_counts_per_day.csv
Due to Twitter's Terms of Service we are only able to distribute the numeric tweet id. Here we give brief instructions on how to populate the full tweet data from the list of ids. To do this we will use the Python command line tool Twarc. The following steps assume you have Twarc installed as well as a Twitter Developer account. To install Twarc, please run
pip3 install twarc
Next, you must configure Twarc with your Twitter API tokens.
twarc configure
Next, download the data from Zenodo:
wget https://zenodo.org/record/4897616/files/twitter.tar.gz
tar -xf twitter.tar.gz
This file contains separate folders for each year. Since the volume of tweets in 2020 was significantly larger than all previous years, all years except 2020 have a single file, while 2020 has separate files for each month. Each file contains the following fields: message_id, blacklivesmatter, alllivesmatter, bluelivesmatter. Next, we create a file containing only tweet ids. We extract data from June 2020 as an example:
cd twitter/2020
gunzip 2020-06.csv.gz
cut -d, -f1 2020-06.csv > 2020-06.txt
This command will produce a file where each line is a separate json file for each tweet ids. Note that only tweets which are publicly available at the time of your pull will be downloaded. Thus, our numbers might not match the numbers you see.
twarc hydrate 2020-06.txt > blm.jsonl
To run this script you must install the Python package tqdm:
pip3 install tqdm
Before running hydrate.py you must have the above file (blm_tweet_ids.txt) in the same directory as the Python script. Then run
python3 hydrate.py
This will produce the file blm_tweet_ids.jsonl.
Besides twarc, there are many other tools available for downloading Twitter data, such as TwitterMySQL and hydrator.
Please be careful when opening these files in Excel. Excel might automatically convert the Tweet ids from an integer format to a decimal.
If you use this data in your work please cite the following paper:
author = {Salvatore Giorgi and
Sharath Chandra Guntuku and
McKenzie Himelein-Wachowiak and
Amy Kwarteng and
Sy Hwang and
Muhammad Rahman and
Brenda Curtis},
title = {Twitter Data of the \#BlackLivesMatter Movement And
Counter Protests: 2013 to 2021},
year = {2022},
journal = {Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media},
If you have any questions please contact Salvatore Giorgi at sgiorgi[at]sas[dot]upenn[dot]edu.
Licensed under a GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3).