A python library for the Quickbase API. For more information about the Quickbase API, please see http://www.quickbase.com/api-guide/index.html
- python 2.6+
- xmltodict
- requests
$ pip install pyqb
Create the client
import pyqb
# def Client(url="http://www.quickbase.com", database=None, proxy=None, user_token=None):
qbc = pyqb.Client(url='http://my_domain.quickbase.com')
# Below authenticate is not required if `user_token` argument is passed to pyqb.Client() above
qbc.authenticate(username='myusername', password='mypassword')
# doquery(query=None, qid=None, qname=None, database=None, fields=None, fmt=False, rids=False, sort_fields=None, options=False):
qbc.doquery(query='{"6".EX."myval"}', database='asdfasdf')
qbc.doquery(qid=64, fields=["3", "4"], fmt=True, rids=False)
# editrecord(rid=None, database=None, fields=None, update_id=None)
f = { "6": "newvalue" }
res = qbc.editrecord(rid='18081', database='asdfasdf', fields=f)
# def addrecord(database=None, fields=None)
f = { "hostname": "myhost", "7": "" }
res = qbc.addrecord(database='asdfasdf', fields=f)
# deleterecord(rid=None, database=None)
res = qbc.deleterecord(rid='18081', database='asdfasdf')
- DoQuery
- EditRecord
- GetNumRecords
- AddField
- DeleteRecord
- Steven Hajducko ([email protected])
- George Matthew ([email protected])