This program is intended for use with WebOS applications that are in-testing, which under section 4.2 of the Palm SDK License Agreement allows for such unapproved applications to be installed on Palm devices. Applications installed with WebOS Quick Install have not be tested by Palm and are installed at your own risk.
Powered by my webOSLib java library.
- Stylish easy-to-use GUI
- Cross-platform support (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
- Supports off-feed .ipk and .patch files
- Full-featured feed viewer, with custom feeds allowed
- No Linux knowledge required, no root access required.
- webOS 3.x-compatible
- Full device information section
- Send and receive files to and from a webOS device.
- Multiple device support
- Supports Open webOS/LuneOS
- Supports English, French, German, and Simplified Chinese
Setup Guide/Problem Troubleshooting
- If you would like step-by-step directions on how to get things up and running, or are encountering some issues, I highly recommend checking out the official WOSQI Homebrew Guide.
For Mac OS X, once you've installed Java 1.6, run /Applications/Utilities/Java/Java Preferences. Then click and drag Jave SE 6 to top of both list, and exit the program. This will set Java 1.6 as the default version to use.
Novacom or Adb
This will get installed automatically when you run WebOS Quick Install. ADB is required for LuneOS only.
DevMode enabled
This can be done on your device by typing "upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart", opening the DeveloperMode app, and enabling the feature. Not required for LuneOS.
Lastly, when you plug in the device, if you want to use WebOS Quick Install, choose the "Just Charge" option on the device.
Running WebOS Quick Install
- Simply double-click WebOSQuickInstall.jar and (as long as Java is installed properly) it will launch