Converting between currencies can result in funny-looking results.
Suppose the exchange rate is 1.34 CA$ / US$. A product that costs a familiar US$ 9.99, will cost CA$ 13.39.
US$ 9.99
* 1.34
CA$ 13.39
Shoppers aren't always used to prices ending in 0.39!
How can we round prices to look "normal"?
to return prices rounded...
- up to the nearest quarter (ending in .00, .25, .50, .75)
- e.g.
9.99 * 1.34 = 13.39 --> 13.50
- e.g.
- up or down to the nearest quarter. (Have the user specify.)
- e.g. rounding down
9.99 * 1.34 = 13.39 --> 13.25
- e.g. rounding down
- up to the nearest user-provided multiple (e.g., nearest 0.10, 0,05, 0.20, ...)
- e.g. rounding up to nearest 0.20
9.99 * 1.34 = 13.39 --> 13.40
- e.g. rounding up to nearest 0.20
- up to end in .99 cents (e.g. 13.39 -> 13.99)
- e.g.
9.99 * 1.34 = 13.39 --> 13.99
- Note: this is not the same as rounding up to a multiple of 0.99 (why?)
- e.g.
- up to end in any amount
- e.g. round to end in 0.13
9.99 * 1.34 = 13.39 --> 14.13
- e.g. round to end in 0.13
If you've done all the above,
should be able to...
- round either up or down
- to a multiple of X
- or to an ending of X
Useful commands
- Test:
mvn test
- Build:
mvn compile
- Run:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.shopify.prettyprices.Main"
Alternately, without Maven magic, from src/main/java
- build:
javac com/shopify/prettyprices/*.java
- run:
java com.shopify.prettyprices.Main