Image classification on CIFAR-10 dataset using Machine Learning
- The training binary files and the test binary file should be inside a folder called ‘dataset’.
- batches.meta.txt should also be inside ‘dataset’ folder.
- The training binary files should be named as follows: a) data_batch_1.bin b) data_batch_2.bin c) data_batch_3.bin d) data_batch_4.bin e) data_batch_5.bin
- The test binary file should be names as follows: a. test_batch.bin
- The .py files should be in the same level as the ‘dataset’ folder.
RUNNING THE PYTHON FILE: Python version 3.6 or 3.7 BEST MODEL: MODEL 1 HOG + SVM CLASSIFIER Filename : It should be run from Anaconda Prompt with an argument (‘preTrain’ or ‘forceTrain’). Example:
ForceTrain – Starts Training from scratch PreTrain – Loads previously trained classifier from folder if found and uses it to predict the test data.
2nd BEST MODEL : MODEL 2 VGG + RFC CLASSIFIER Filename : Similar instructions as model 1
OUTPUT: The testing Accuracy is displayed on the console. The predictions are saved as a .csv file in the folder in respective model names.
NOTE: If the pre-trained files are deleted from the folder, ‘ForceTrain’ is enforced automatically.