A free and open-source JavaScript library for generating SVG charts to display planets in astrology. It does not calculate any positions of the planets in Universe.
- Pure Javascript implementation without dependencies.
- SVG graphics.
- Tested code.
- Radix chart
- Radix 15. 11. 2016
- Radix collision
- Transit chart
- Stroke only
- Animation
- Calibration
- 2 charts on page
<script src="js/astrochart.min.js"></script>
window.onload = function(){
var chart = new astrology.Chart( 'paper', 800, 800);
chart.radix( data );
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, Lilith, NNode.
"planets":{"Moon":[0], "Sun":[30], "Mercury":[60], ... },
"cusps":[300, 340, 30, 60, 75, 90, 116, 172, 210, 236, 250, 274]
Look into the settings.js
var settings = {SYMBOL_SCALE:2};
var chart = new astrology.Chart( 'paper', 800, 800, settings);