My name is Paul Bruce McIlvenny.
is an old avatar nickname coined by me back in the late 1990s.
I have an ancient, gentle gravatar
attached to the nickname.
I am using GitHub more and more for a variety of software and non-software projects:
- Private team @Big-Video developing software for qualitative video researchers and immersive qualitative analytics.
- Public account @BigSoftVideo for software releases and documentation.
- We have released AVA360VR and BreachingVR so far.
- You can see a rough outline of our software development plans.
- Public account @QuiViRR for experimental journal (Qualitative Video Research Reports).
- Using Manubot for collaborative article drafting using Git, GitHub, Zotero, Pandoc etc.
- Working on a chapter on practice-based VolCap analysis for EMCA.
- Working on an article on practices of practical reasoning within DVCS, such as Git and GitHub.
- Personal account for private stuff.
You can find other stuff here: