umd-student-email-scraper Public
Using selenium to log into UMD student directory and scrape emails from A-Z (for educational purposes only)
Python UpdatedSep 27, 2023 -
dbk_jobs_guide Public
A search engine to help students at UMD find campus jobs easier. 3,000+ users in <2 weeks
Dart UpdatedApr 24, 2023 -
jobs-guide-data-manager Public
The accessory module to generate .JSON files for the main DBK wage guide website and auto-sync to Firebase backend
InternationalStudentsPage Public
Forked from chenrl129/InternationalStudentsPageMy version of app with beta deployment
HTML UpdatedApr 1, 2023 -
cors-anywhere-aws Public
Forked from Rob--W/cors-anywhereAWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment - CORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 24, 2022 -
Basic ToDoList app made in react native. Super basic.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 17, 2022 -
CSV-SQL-Encoding-with-Pandas Public
Replace a specific 'coded' column data in CSV file with 'label' from other CSV file or SQL result set
Python UpdatedNov 23, 2021 -
Using Python Flask backend and with HTML/JS/CSS frontend. Able to efficiently handle multiple camera streams using threading. Also has a built in file storage server, so you can quickly upload file…
Using Python speech recognition, chatterbot API, and selenium for online text to speech to create a programmable virtual assistant to carry simple conversations and control on-computer tasks
Python UpdatedJan 15, 2021 -
JARVIS_Telugu_version Public
Similar to my other project. Except it can understand Telugu commands, and responds in English with context. Plan to program it to do on-device tasks and connect to IOT (smart home))
Using selenium module to set OG popular Minecraft names (Bot)
Python UpdatedJan 15, 2021 -
Primarily using openCV and Flask module to create a LAN server that will stream multiple USB camera live feeds, while allowing user to download motion triggered footage directly from any device on …
Using python OpenCV module to train and recognize up to 7 faces, generate automated voice feedback for each user, and click on smart home appliance trigger buttons through the windows ALEXA app.
Automated Hangouts based message alert system for DIY smartphones security cameras using selenium module in Python. See "Readme" for configuration steps and more details!
Python UpdatedJun 23, 2020