🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Qwen / DeepSeek), Knowledge Base (file upload / knowledge managemen…
Entropy Based Sampling and Parallel CoT Decoding
Fast and efficient unstructured data extraction. Written in Rust with bindings for many languages.
Supplement of Copilot and Cursor - utilizes AI for batch processing of the entire codebase (对Copilot和Cursor们的补充:用 AI 批量处理项目代码)
Mobile-Agent: The Powerful Mobile Device Operation Assistant Family
A Survey on Large Language Models for Software Engineering
A highly imitated WeChat app developed based on HarmonyOS NEXT | 基于鸿蒙OS NEXT开发的高仿微信APP
✍ WeChat Markdown Editor | 一款高度简洁的微信 Markdown 编辑器:支持 Markdown 语法、色盘取色、多图上传、一键下载文档、自定义 CSS 样式、一键重置等特性
A natural language interface for computers
A brief computer graphics / rendering course
🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
AI agent stdlib that works with any LLM and TypeScript AI SDK.
🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
Purely native C++ cross-platform GUI framework for Android and iOS development.
Flutter 超完整的开源项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势:我们目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、kotlin 四个版本。 功能齐全,项目框架内技术涉及面广,完成度高,持续维护,配套文章,适合全面学习,对比参考。跨平台的开源Github客户端App,更好的体验,更丰富的功能,旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github,提供更好…
flutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档
机器人视觉 移动机器人 VS-SLAM ORB-SLAM2 深度学习目标检测 yolov3 行为检测 opencv PCL 机器学习 无人驾驶