Pintos in a Docker container
- Pull the image
docker pull johnstarich/pintos:v1.0
- Test with the following:
docker run --rm -it johnstarich/pintos:v1.0
root@52bab93f4f85:/pintos# pintos -q run alarm-multiple
<snip logs>
(alarm-multiple) end
Execution of 'alarm-multiple' complete.
Timer: 616 ticks
Thread: 0 idle ticks, 617 kernel ticks, 0 user ticks
Console: 2954 characters output
Keyboard: 0 keys pressed
Powering off...
- If the above worked, then you should be all set to run your own persistent Pintos container
docker run --detach --name pintos johnstarich/pintos:v1.0
docker exec -it pintos bash
root@fee7c5371398:/pintos# echo 'Hello World!'
root@fee7c5371398:/pintos# exit
To use your code in the container, mount your project directory into the container using Docker volumes.
To use your project directory instead of the current working directory, just replace $PWD with your project path.
docker run --detach --name pintos --volume $PWD:/pintos johnstarich/pintos:v1.0
To stop the pintos container:
docker stop pintos
If it is not stopping for some reason, then you can kill the container: docker kill pintos