An event ticketing system (and former school project) by Simon Klüber and Max Stockhausen
tikket. (working title) allows the user to generate, manage and check tickets for events using a SQLite database stored on a local server. Every ticket has an individual randomly generated ID represented by a barcode to prevent fraud. Tickets may be scanned using the Android app tikket. Scan with ZXing or with an external scanning device connected to a Windows PC.
- Generating in presale and right at the box office
- checking and invalidating tickets via Android and Windows
- e-tickets sent by email
- printing tickets
- database management of multiple events
- overviewing attendance at a glance
- enter server IP
- toggle IP editing mode
- start client
- Scan!
- run
- enter server IP and port
- Client ready for work
- run
- enter port to use
- tikket. Server is up and running
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC):
- ZXing ("Zebra Crossing"):
- Java Mail API:
- Java SE:
- Logo created using and Oswald (Open Font License)