- Last Years Assignment (this year will be a nature sim)
- A build of Infinite Forms
- All about Infinite Forms
- Infinite Forms Code
- ECS2020
- Coding Music
- More Coding Music
- https://github.com/skooter500/GE2-2021-2022 - This course uses Unity
- https://github.com/skooter500/GE2-2020-2021
- https://github.com/skooter500/GE2-2019-2020
- https://github.com/skooter500/GE2-2018-2019
- https://github.com/skooter500/GE2-Test-2021-Starter/
- https://github.com/skooter500/GE2-Lab-Test-2019
- https://github.com/skooter500/GE2-Lab-Test-2019-Solution
- https://github.com/skooter500/GE2-LabTest2-2017
- https://github.com/skooter500/GAILabTest12017
- Lab test 25 April - 2 hours
- Assignment - 2 May - In person demos
- Review Week
- Create a controller node to connect Harmonic & UI - MVC
- Gang of 4
- Raycasting
- Obstacle avoidance
Update your forks and take a look at the SpineAnimator scene. There is a little spiney wriggling creature and a boid that the camera is attached to that has offset pursue.
Things to try:
- Use the Remote scene and the debugging tools in Godot to track down the bug in the SpineAnimator system that is rotating the spine elements by 180 degrees
- Make a copy of the SpineAnimator scene and call it NoiseWander
- Create a new Behavior called NoiseWander that uses Perlin noise, instead of a sin function to generate the force. You can base it on the NoiseWander code here
Update your forks Wandering! Spine animation A FPS Controller implementation
- Update your forks of the repo
- Watch some videos about Tweens, Timers and the animation system - Super useful nodes. There is an example of their usage in the Seek scene
- I did a lot of work on the ControllerSteering scene, play around with it. There are three types of Boids in this scene. Understand them.
- When acceleration is applied suddenly it can result in very sudden turning. Try smoothing the acceleration using lerping and see if this is eliminated
- Implement damping. Remove a % of velocity each frame
- Write a formation generator that sets of formations of leader and follower boids in different configurations like straight line or V.
Update your forks to get the path following code and create a branch:
git checkout -b lab4
There are 4 Scenes to look at:
- tankGame - Input, transforms, physics, timers
- seek
- arrive
- path_follow
There are two behaviors you can implement today, and various other tasks:
- Flee - Generate a force away from the target, when the target comes into range
- Player - Generate a force from inputs so that the steering force is generated by the player using the left stick or wasd
- Create a scene where both path follow and player behaviors are both enabled. The boid will follow a path, but deviate off the path when the player presses inputs. The boid will return to the path when the player stops sending input
- REFACTOR the code so that each behavior is a separate node. BTW I dont exactly know how to do this yet!
- There are space ship models in the Models folder. try and make a boid to control one of the spaceships and add trail renders for the engines
Update your fork of this repo to get the Godot project
Watch Godot tutorials on the following:
- Timers
- Signals
- Areas
And add the following:
- Bullet cooldown
- Bullets get removed after a 5 seconds
- Bullets get removed when they hit a block
- No lab this week