go get github.com/skycoin/skycoin-exchange
go get github.com/robfig/glock
glock sync github.com/skycoin/skycoin-exchange
cd skycoin-exchange/cmd/server
go run main.go -seed=$seed -skycoin_node_addr=$skycoin_node_address
The seed
flag must be specificed, server will generate wallet base on it.
The default server port is 8080, and you can use the port
flag to change it.
As the exchange will comunicate with skycoin node, we use the skycoin_node_addr
flag to make it configurable. The default value of
will be used
if it's not set.
As some apis need admin privilege, the server do not have admin account by default,use the following command to set up admin accounts.
go run main.go -admins="0311ff3ed447e3ebe176e929017556e2d2be7c52b1f241dd80df98635ea9f53b22"
Multiple admin accounts are connected by commas.
For more usage, run the help command:
go run main.go --help
Default client port is 6060, use the p
flag to change it.
- mode: POST
- url: /api/v1/accounts
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"pubkey": "03c9852d11d2d84d23356df6390f10a53dbd8026ed4bc58f9ccddd7a7c69e00715",
"created_at": 1470188576
Once the new account is created, this account will become the active account
, that means the following apis calls are all base on this account.
This api is used to get account in client, you can use it to list all the acccounts, or to get the active account.
- mode: GET
- url: /api/v1/account?active=[:active]
- params:
- active: optional condition, if not set, return all accounts, otherwise the active must be 1 and return the active account.
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"accounts": [
"pubkey": "02c9656e65f70753f021832a7a1874c966917974b242b11b2d73d04bcaaea21a4d",
"wallet_ids": {
"bitcoin": "bitcoin_myf"
- mode: PUT
- url: /api/v1/account/state?pubkey=[:pubkey]
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
- mode:GET
- url: /api/v1/coins
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"coins": [
- mode: POST
- url: /api/v1/account/deposit_address?coin_type=[:coin_type]
- params:
- coin_type: can be bitcoin, skycoin, etc.
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"coin_type": "bitcoin",
"address": "1HBuSp1G151xTqLpMT3mBDXskC5iVNTAwx"
- mode: GET
- url: /api/v1/account/balance?coin_type=[:coin_type]
- params:
- coin_type: can be bitcoin, skycoin.
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"coin_type": "bitcoin",
"balance": 480000
- mdoe: POST
- url: /api/v1/account/withdrawal?coin_type=[:type]&amount=[:amt]&toaddr=[:toaddr]
- params:
- coin_type: can be bitcoin, skycoin, etc.
- amount: the coin number you want to withdrawal, btc in satoshis, sky in drops.
- toaddr: address you want to receive the coins.
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"new_txid": "21b1a9c59a3a631f14b7f91c9b886f6e379c36dd357f7628964107c4d953ea5a"
- mode: POST
- url: /api/v1/account/order?coin_pair=[:coin_pair]&type=[:type]&price=[:price]&amt=[:amt]
- params:
- coin_pair: coin pair, like bitcoin/skycoin.
- type: order type, can be bid or ask
- price: price
- amt: amount
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"order_id": 8
- mode: GET
- url: /api/v1/orders/[:type]?coin_pair=[:coin_pair]&start=[:start]&end=[:end]
- params:
- type: order type, can be bid or ask.
- coin_pair: coin pair, joined by '/', like: bitcoin/skycoin.
- start: start index of the orders.
- end: end index of the orders.
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"coin_pair": "bitcoin/skycoin",
"type": "bid",
"orders": [
"id": 8,
"type": "bid",
"price": 25,
"amount": 90000,
"rest_amt": 90000,
"created_at": 1470193222
"id": 3,
"type": "bid",
"price": 25,
"amount": 90000,
"rest_amt": 90000,
"created_at": 1470152057
- mode: GET
- url: /api/v1/utxos?coin_type=[:coin_type]&addrs=[:addrs]
- params:
- coin_type: coin type, can be bitcoin or skycoin.
- addrs: addresses, connected with comma.
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"btc_utxos": [
"address": "1EknG7EauSW4zxFtSrCQSHe5PJenks55s6",
"txid": "c5ab911556a4628a5a98ee5386a8a3b465831c66953d288bbfeb4221e95158d8d",
"vout": 0,
"amount": 90000
"address": "1EknG7EauSW4zxFtSrCQSHe5PJenks55s6",
"txid": "a9a1ef0525b1446232fcb69bb4ef99ef239f78a7046f784b972f22a60348d963",
"vout": 0,
"amount": 90000
NOTE: the utxos response json struct of bitcoin is different from skycoin.
This api is used to get tx verbose info by txid.
- mode: GET
- url: /api/v1/tx?coin_type=[:coin_type]&txid=[:txid]
- params:
- coin_type: bitcoin or skycoin
- txid: transaction id
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"coin_type": "bitcoin",
"tx": {
"btc": {
"txid": "5756ff16e2b9f881cd15b8a7e478b4899965f87f553b6210d0f8e5bf5be7df1d",
"version": 1,
"locktime": 981825022,
"vin": [
"coinbase": "03a6ab05e4b883e5bda9e7a59ee4bb99e9b1bc76a3a2bb0e9c92f06e4a6349de9ccc8fbe0fad11133ed73c78ee12876334c13c02000000f09f909f2f4249503130302f4d696e65642062792073647a686162636400000000000000000000000000000000",
"sequence": 2765846367
"vout": [
"value": "25.37726812",
"n": 0,
"scriptPubkey": {
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 c825a1ecf2a6830c4401620c3a16f1995057c2ab OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex": "76a914c825a1ecf2a6830c4401620c3a16f1995057c2ab88ac",
"type": "pubkeyhash",
"addresses": [
"blockhash": "0000000000000000027d0985fef71cbc05a5ee5cdbdc4c6baf2307e6c5db8591",
"confirmations": 54245,
"time": 1440604784,
"blocktime": 1440604784
NOTE: the bitcoin transaction response struct is differen from skycoin.
- mode: GET
- url: /api/v1/rawtx?coin_type=[:coin_type]&txid=[:txid]
- params:
- coin_type: bitcoin or skycoin
- txid: transaction id
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"coin_type": "bitcoin",
"rawtx": "010000000132ea3894c4b2c68bb1255be5d0e8a26bd336fd7a562eca9f7c435c9268199f06020000006b483045022100dd4e1b960726e3d3d205cb5ef4d92b3e04f3839757606800ed662069a841ffdc02203f68723bbbf9800d16555ace1ef2f46e65c2a6341643f3c5bf84158b108e6d5d012103eb8b81f8ebc988c61d3cc4c4ac3d546b02a4994d612725e91d8d69a72045fb18ffffffff019d3b1f020000000017a914bfc03379d17dd1e918a026b76cde472bea7ac7268700000000"
This api is used to update balance of specific account, need admin privilege, to acquire admin privilege, see setup admin in server.
- mode: PUT
- url: /api/v1/admin/account/balance?coin_type=[:coin_type]&dst=[:dst]&amt=[:amt]
- params:
- coin_type: bitcoin or skycoin
- dst: account pubkey, the account whose balance is going to be updated.
- amt: balance amount
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
- mode: POST
- url: /api/v1/wallet?type=[:type]&seed=[:seed]
- params:
- type: wallet type, can be bitcoin or skycoin
- seed: wallet seed
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"id": "bitcoin_sd1101"
- mode: POST
- url: /api/v1/wallet/address?id=[:id]
- params:
- id: wallet id
response json:
"Result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"address": "1FhzNKvpStmS4ZwpiZwRNVhTQvZBa39VNA"
- mode: GET
- url: /api/v1/wallet/address/key?id=[:id]&address=[:address]
- params:
- id: wallet id
- address: coin address
response json:
"Result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"pubkey": "03712c6bf0601f7a663ad7812f8d031e3e3f07f3f7ed03ad165dd7ee28120e7102",
"seckey": "L4Y4E6UdCFqmmcYNGBFAXBZif6pfoox5CQNReBsnX8aimgBcRYeX"
- mode: GET
- url: /api/v1/wallet/balance?id=[:id]
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"balance": {
"amount": 11000000,
"hours": 1518046
The above response json is a skycoin wallet's balance result, you can see the balance contains hours
field, while if bitcoin, the hours
field will be omited.
- mode: POST
- url: /api/v1/create_rawtx?coin_type=[:coin_type]
- params:
- coin_type: skycoin or bitcoin
Specify the tx in and outs in json request body as below:
bitcoin request:
"vout": 0
"value": 4000
skycoin request:
- mode: POST
- url: /api/v1/sign_rawtx?coin_type=[:coin_type]&raw_tx=[:rawtx]
- params:
- coin_type: skycoin or bitcoin
- raw_tx: raw transaction that's going to be signed.
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"rawtx": "0100000001a416bf9af874f288f77c612bcd12f34871c6a10d89975e0fd8fa6679621e05440000000000ffffffff02a00f0000000000001976a914ad7e5f825191df239d43376d182cf85d3e9ac8a188aca00f0000000000001976a91496e14d971c0a482f37a06ba23094e0cc779676ff88ac00000000"
Make sure current active account owns the private key to sign the transaction.
- mode: POST
- url: /api/v1/inject_rawtx?coin_type=[:coin_type]&rawtx=[:rawtx]
- params:
- coin_type: skycoin or bitcoin
- rawtx: raw transaction that's going to be injected.
response json:
"result": {
"success": true,
"errcode": 0,
"reason": "Success"
"txid": "11ad2877281d541e68a5e3004cccd166d85c9edf252cabfa5bb540648380cea9"
Dependencies are managed with gvt.
To install gvt:
$ go get -u github.com/FiloSottile/gvt
gvt vendors all dependencies into the repo.
If you change the dependencies, you should update them as needed with gvt fetch
, gvt update
, gvt delete
, etc.
Refer to the gvt documentation or gvt help
for further instructions.
Create new coin package in src/coin folder and create coin by example of mzcoin
In src/api/mobile/api.go, add new coin support in Init function:
func Init(cfg *Config) {
newCoin("skycoin", cfg.ServerAddr),
newCoin("mzcoin", cfg.ServerAddr),
newCoin("suncoin", cfg.ServerAddr),
- In cmd/client/client.go main function, register coins:
In cmd/server/server.go add coin's node address in registerFlags function
In cmd/server/serer.go register coins in main function