cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -G Ninja -B ./build
cmake --build ./build --config Release --target all
sudo cmake --install ./build --config Release
sudo systemctl enable --now asus-gpu-man.service
sudo /opt/asus-gpu-manager/bin/asus-gpu-cli -s integrated && sudo reboot -> disable nvidia after reboot
sudo /opt/asus-gpu-manager/bin/asus-gpu-cli -s hybrid && sudo reboot -> enable discrete NVIDIA GPU
sudo /opt/asus-gpu-manager/bin/asus-gpu-cli -s egpu && sudo reboot -> enable XMobile external GPU
- Sometimes NVIDIA pci device does not turn on after switching from
mode. No solution at this time. The only way to force kernel to turn it on it to hard-reboot (press power button for a while)