Pissed about writing test scripts against your RESTFul APIs anytime?
Describe an HTTP Requests test cases in a simplest and widely used format JSON within a file.
Run one command and gain a summary report.
⚠️ - The project is in search of any kind of contributor. Due to my commitment to managing many other projects, still pyhttptest lacking introducing features requested from users. The project has a lot of potentials to be useful and used on a daily basis. Glad to receive any help and discuss the future of pyhttptest. Contact me by email: [email protected].
📣 Coverage measuring on Test Cases coming soon
Recommended installation method is to use pip
$ pip install pyhttptest
Python version 3+ is required.
$ pyhttptest execute FILE
See also pyhttptest --help
Create a .json file and define a test case like an example:
"name": "TEST: List all users",
"verb": "GET",
"endpoint": "users",
"host": "https://github.com",
"headers": {
"Accept-Language": "en-US"
"query_string": {
"limit": 5
Execute a test case:
$ pyhttptest execute FILE_PATH/HTTP_GET.json
Create a .json file and define a test cases like an example:
FILE: requests.json
"name":"TEST: List all users",
"name":"TEST: Add a new user",
"email":"[email protected]"
"name":"TEST: Modify an existing user",
"name":"TEST: Delete an existing user",
Execute a test case:
$ pyhttptest execute FILE_PATH/requests.json
Under the hood, pyhttptest uses these amazing libraries:
- ijson — Iterative JSON parser with a standard Python iterator interface
- jsonschema — An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
- Requests — Python HTTP library for humans
- tabulate — Pretty-print tabular data
- click — Composable command line interface toolkit
BSD-3-Clause: LICENSE.