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This repo contains the website configuration and documentation powering the ChaosBlade website.


Getting started


  1. Git.
  2. Node (version 16.14 or greater).
  3. Yarn (version 1.5 or greater).
  4. A fork of the repo (for any contributions).
  5. A clone of the chaosblade-website repo.


  1. cd chaosblade-website to go into the project root.
  2. Run yarn to install the website's workspace dependencies.

Running locally

  1. yarn run start to start the development server (powered by Docusaurus).
  2. Open http://localhost:3000/ site in your favorite browser.


If you would like to contribute an edit or addition to the docs, read through our contributing guide before you write anything. Almost all our content is generated from markdown files you can find in the docs, blog and i18n directories.

To edit the internals of how the site is built, you may want to get familiarized with how the site is built. The ChaosBlade website is a static site generated using Docusaurus. The website configuration can be found in the docusaurus.config.js file. Visit the Docusaurus website to learn more about all the available configuration options.

Directory Structure

The following is a high-level overview of relevant files and folders.

├── .github/
│   └── ...
├── docs/
│   └── ...
├── blog/
│   ├── [BLOG POSTS]
│   └── ...
├── src/
│   ├── css/
│   │   ├── [CUSTOM STYLES]
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── pages/
│   │   ├── [STATIC PAGES]
│   │   └── ...
│   └── theme/
│   │   └── ...
│   └── data.js
├── static/
│   └── img/
├── docusaurus.config.js
├── package.json
└── sidebars.json

Website configuration

The main config file for the website can be found at docusaurus.config.js. This file tells Docusaurus how to build the website. Edits to this file are rarely necessary.

The src/pages subdirectory contains the React components that make up the non-documentation pages of the site, such as the homepage.

The src/theme subdirectory contains the swizzled React components from the Docusaurus theme.

The data.json file contains the users who use ChaosBlade.

Tagging a new version

  1. First, make sure the current docs version (the ./docs directory) is ready to be frozen.

  2. Enter a new version number.

    yarn docusaurus docs:version 1.1.0

When tagging a new version, the document versioning mechanism will:

  • Copy the full docs/ folder contents into a new versioned_docs/version-[versionName]/ folder.
  • Copy the full i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current folder contents into a new i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-[versionName].
  • Copy i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json file contents into a new i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-[versionName].json.
  • Create a versioned sidebars file based from your current sidebar configuration (if it exists) - saved as versioned_sidebars/version-[versionName]-sidebars.json.
  • Append the new version number to versions.json.


Fork the repository

Fork the repository and clone it locally. Connect your local to the original “upstream” repository by adding it as a remote. Pull in changes from “upstream” often so that you stay up to date so that when you submit your pull request, merge conflicts will be less likely. (See more detailed instructions here.)

Create a branch

  1. git checkout main from any folder in your local chaosblade-website repository.
  2. git pull origin main to ensure you have the latest main code.
  3. git checkout -b the-name-of-my-branch to create a branch.

    replace the-name-of-my-branch with a suitable name, such as update-animations-page

Make the change

  1. Follow the "Running locally" instructions.
  2. Save the files and check in the browser.
  3. Some changes may require a server restart to generate new files. (Pages in docs always do!)
  4. Edits to pages in docs will only be visible in the latest version of the documentation, called "Next", located under the docs/next path.

Visit http://localhost:3000/docs/next/YOUR-DOCS-PAGE to see your work.

Push it

  1. git add -A && git commit -m "My message" to stage and commit your changes.

    replace My message with a commit message, such as Fixed header logo on Android

  2. git push my-fork-name the-name-of-my-branch
  3. Make a Pull Request.


When your Pull Request is created successfully, netlify will generate a preview page for you, please check your changes in the preview page.


ChaosBlade documentation is CC-BY-4.0 licensed.


Source for ChaosBlade website







No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 52.8%
  • CSS 47.2%