Fenrus personal home page/dasbhoard.
It allows you to have a custom home page/new tab page with quick access to your personal apps.
For support use our Discord Server
Fenrus is a Node application and requires NodeJS to run.
Once NodeJS is installed you need to download the packages Fenrus uses
npm install
Then you can run Fenrus
node app.js
Docker is the preferred method of installing Fenrus
docker run -d \
-p 3000:3000 \
-v /path/to/data:/app/data\
-v /path/to/images:/app/wwwroot/images
--restart unless-stopped \
image: revenz/fenrus
container_name: fenrus
- TZ=Pacific/Auckland
- /path/to/data:/app/data
- /path/to/images:/app/wwwroot/images
- 3000:3000
restart: unless-stopped
Fenrus will save all the user configuration data in the folder /app/data so map this folder outside the docker container.
Also, it will store custom images under /app/wwwroot/images, so map this folder outside the docker image as well.
First, you need to register a user, you can do this on the login page by entering a username and password and clicking "Register" if no user with that username exists, a new one will be created.
The first user created in the system will automatically be assigned the admin role. This role allows the user to manage other users.
Groups contain applications, links and other dashboards.
Shortcuts are broken down into 4 types
These are basic links to websites, either internal or external, and show no extra information. You can configure an icon for these links, or if left blank Fenrus will try to magically download the favicon for the site.
These are a step above links, they are known to Fenrus, and will have a high-resolution icon, perhaps a default URL, but little else.
This is where the magic really happens. These smart apps, or spell casts if you will, have extra information that Fenrus can download and query to display more information about the app. This could be as simple as some basic information, or it could be a feature-rich magical experience.
These link to other dashboards. You can add a dashboard link to a group or they are also available through the drop down menu at the top of the page.
Name: The name of the search engine
URL: The URL for the search query with %s being repalced by the search term
Shortcut: The shortcut to type to use this search engine (if not the default)
Icon: The icon to show when using this search engine
Q: What is the default username/password?
A: There is no default user. Enter a username and password, then click the "Register" button. This will create a new administrator user. You can then go ot "System" and turn off registrations if you do not wish to allow open registrations.
- Implement an application update system, so users do not need to install a new version of Fenrus to get the latest applications. This will be done once the app has matured a little more. I need to add more helpers for different types of Smart apps.
- Document how to write an application. These are written in Javascript and are not complex to write, however, there are some gotcha's that I need to document.