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Version 0.9 of new exercises. Copied from private repo
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amaas committed Sep 25, 2013
1 parent 56f6369 commit 530aa9e
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Showing 102 changed files with 5,635 additions and 0 deletions.
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions cnn/cnnConvolve.m
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function convolvedFeatures = cnnConvolve(filterDim, numFilters, images, W, b)
%cnnConvolve Returns the convolution of the features given by W and b with
%the given images
% Parameters:
% filterDim - filter (feature) dimension
% numFilters - number of feature maps
% images - large images to convolve with, matrix in the form
% images(r, c, image number)
% W, b - W, b for features from the sparse autoencoder
% W is of shape (filterDim,filterDim,numFilters)
% b is of shape (numFilters,1)
% Returns:
% convolvedFeatures - matrix of convolved features in the form
% convolvedFeatures(imageRow, imageCol, featureNum, imageNum)

numImages = size(images, 3);
imageDim = size(images, 1);
convDim = imageDim - filterDim + 1;

convolvedFeatures = zeros(convDim, convDim, numFilters, numImages);

% Instructions:
% Convolve every filter with every image here to produce the
% (imageDim - filterDim + 1) x (imageDim - filterDim + 1) x numFeatures x numImages
% matrix convolvedFeatures, such that
% convolvedFeatures(imageRow, imageCol, featureNum, imageNum) is the
% value of the convolved featureNum feature for the imageNum image over
% the region (imageRow, imageCol) to (imageRow + filterDim - 1, imageCol + filterDim - 1)
% Expected running times:
% Convolving with 100 images should take less than 30 seconds
% Convolving with 5000 images should take around 2 minutes
% (So to save time when testing, you should convolve with less images, as
% described earlier)

for imageNum = 1:numImages
for filterNum = 1:numFilters

% convolution of image with feature matrix
convolvedImage = zeros(convDim, convDim);
% Obtain the feature (filterDim x filterDim) needed during the convolution

% Flip the feature matrix because of the definition of convolution, as explained later
filter = rot90(squeeze(filter),2);

% Obtain the image
im = squeeze(images(:, :, imageNum));

% Convolve "filter" with "im", adding the result to convolvedImage
% be sure to do a 'valid' convolution

% Add the bias unit
% Then, apply the sigmoid function to get the hidden activation

convolvedFeatures(:, :, filterNum, imageNum) = convolvedImage;


137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions cnn/cnnCost.m
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function [cost, grad, preds] = cnnCost(theta,images,labels,numClasses,...
% Calcualte cost and gradient for a single layer convolutional neural
% network followed by a softmax layer with cross entropy objective.
% Parameters:
% theta - unrolled parameter vector
% images - stores images in imageDim x imageDim x numImges array
% numClasses - number of classes to predict
% filterDim - dimension of convolutional filter
% numFilters - number of convolutional filters
% poolDim - dimension of pooling area
% pred - boolean only forward propagate and return predictions
% Returns:
% cost - cross entropy cost
% grad - gradient with respect to theta (if pred==False)
% preds - list of predictions for each example (if pred==True)

if ~exist('pred','var')
pred = false;

imageDim = size(images,1); % height/width of image
numImages = size(images,3); % number of images

%% Reshape parameters and setup gradient matrices

% Wc is filterDim x filterDim x numFilters parameter matrix
% bc is the corresponding bias

% Wd is numClasses x hiddenSize parameter matrix where hiddenSize is the
% number of output units from the convolutional layer
% bd is corresponding bias
[Wc, Wd, bc, bd] = cnnParamsToStack(theta,imageDim,filterDim,numFilters,...

% Same sizes as Wc,Wd,bc,bd. Used to hold gradient w.r.t above params.
Wc_grad = zeros(size(Wc));
Wd_grad = zeros(size(Wd));
bc_grad = zeros(size(bc));
bd_grad = zeros(size(bd));

%% STEP 1a: Forward Propagation
% In this step you will forward propagate the input through the
% convolutional and subsampling (mean pooling) layers. You will then use
% the responses from the convolution and pooling layer as the input to a
% standard softmax layer.

%% Convolutional Layer
% For each image and each filter, convolve the image with the filter, add
% the bias and apply the sigmoid nonlinearity. Then subsample the
% convolved activations with mean pooling. Store the results of the
% convolution in activations and the results of the pooling in
% activationsPooled. You will need to save the convolved activations for
% backpropagation.
convDim = imageDim-filterDim+1; % dimension of convolved output
outputDim = (convDim)/poolDim; % dimension of subsampled output

% convDim x convDim x numFilters x numImages tensor for storing activations
activations = zeros(convDim,convDim,numFilters,numImages);

% outputDim x outputDim x numFilters x numImages tensor for storing
% subsampled activations
activationsPooled = zeros(outputDim,outputDim,numFilters,numImages);


% Reshape activations into 2-d matrix, hiddenSize x numImages,
% for Softmax layer
activationsPooled = reshape(activationsPooled,[],numImages);

%% Softmax Layer
% Forward propagate the pooled activations calculated above into a
% standard softmax layer. For your convenience we have reshaped
% activationPooled into a hiddenSize x numImages matrix. Store the
% results in probs.

% numClasses x numImages for storing probability that each image belongs to
% each class.
probs = zeros(numClasses,numImages);


%% STEP 1b: Calculate Cost
% In this step you will use the labels given as input and the probs
% calculate above to evaluate the cross entropy objective. Store your
% results in cost.

cost = 0; % save objective into cost


% Makes predictions given probs and returns without backproagating errors.
if pred
[~,preds] = max(probs,[],1);
preds = preds';
grad = 0;

%% STEP 1c: Backpropagation
% Backpropagate errors through the softmax and convolutional/subsampling
% layers. Store the errors for the next step to calculate the gradient.
% Backpropagating the error w.r.t the softmax layer is as usual. To
% backpropagate through the pooling layer, you will need to upsample the
% error with respect to the pooling layer for each filter and each image.
% Use the kron function and a matrix of ones to do this upsampling
% quickly.


%% STEP 1c: Gradient Calculation
% After backpropagating the errors above, we can use them to calculate the
% gradient with respect to all the parameters. The gradient w.r.t the
% softmax layer is calculated as usual. To calculate the gradient w.r.t.
% a filter in the convolutional layer, convolve the backpropagated error
% for that fileter with each image and aggregate over images.


%% Unroll gradient into grad vector for minFunc
grad = [Wc_grad(:) ; Wd_grad(:) ; bc_grad(:) ; bd_grad(:)];

106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions cnn/cnnExercise.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
%% Convolution and Pooling Exercise

% Instructions
% ------------
% This file contains code that helps you get started on the
% convolution and pooling exercise. In this exercise, you will only
% need to modify cnnConvolve.m and cnnPool.m. You will not need to modify
% this file.

%% STEP 0: Initialization and Load Data
% Here we initialize some parameters used for the exercise.

imageDim = 28; % image dimension

filterDim = 8; % filter dimension
numFilters = 100; % number of feature maps

numImages = 60000; % number of images

poolDim = 3; % dimension of pooling region

% Here we load MNIST training images
addpath ../common/;
images = loadMNISTImages('../common/train-images-idx3-ubyte');
images = reshape(images,imageDim,imageDim,numImages);

W = randn(filterDim,filterDim,numFilters);
b = rand(numFilters);

%% STEP 1: Implement and test convolution
% In this step, you will implement the convolution and test it on
% on a small part of the data set to ensure that you have implemented
% this step correctly.

%% STEP 1a: Implement convolution
% Implement convolution in the function cnnConvolve in cnnConvolve.m

%% Use only the first 8 images for testing
convImages = images(:, :, 1:8);

% NOTE: Implement cnnConvolve in cnnConvolve.m first!
convolvedFeatures = cnnConvolve(filterDim, numFilters, convImages, W, b);

%% STEP 1b: Checking your convolution
% To ensure that you have convolved the features correctly, we have
% provided some code to compare the results of your convolution with
% activations from the sparse autoencoder

% For 1000 random points
for i = 1:1000
filterNum = randi([1, numFilters]);
imageNum = randi([1, 8]);
imageRow = randi([1, imageDim - filterDim + 1]);
imageCol = randi([1, imageDim - filterDim + 1]);

patch = convImages(imageRow:imageRow + filterDim - 1, imageCol:imageCol + filterDim - 1, imageNum);

feature = sum(sum(patch.*W(:,:,filterNum)))+b(filterNum);
feature = 1./(1+exp(-feature));

if abs(feature - convolvedFeatures(imageRow, imageCol,filterNum, imageNum)) > 1e-9
fprintf('Convolved feature does not match test feature\n');
fprintf('Filter Number : %d\n', filterNum);
fprintf('Image Number : %d\n', imageNum);
fprintf('Image Row : %d\n', imageRow);
fprintf('Image Column : %d\n', imageCol);
fprintf('Convolved feature : %0.5f\n', convolvedFeatures(imageRow, imageCol, filterNum, imageNum));
fprintf('Test feature : %0.5f\n', feature);
error('Convolved feature does not match test feature');

disp('Congratulations! Your convolution code passed the test.');

%% STEP 2: Implement and test pooling
% Implement pooling in the function cnnPool in cnnPool.m

%% STEP 2a: Implement pooling
% NOTE: Implement cnnPool in cnnPool.m first!
pooledFeatures = cnnPool(poolDim, convolvedFeatures);

%% STEP 2b: Checking your pooling
% To ensure that you have implemented pooling, we will use your pooling
% function to pool over a test matrix and check the results.

testMatrix = reshape(1:64, 8, 8);
expectedMatrix = [mean(mean(testMatrix(1:4, 1:4))) mean(mean(testMatrix(1:4, 5:8))); ...
mean(mean(testMatrix(5:8, 1:4))) mean(mean(testMatrix(5:8, 5:8))); ];

testMatrix = reshape(testMatrix, 8, 8, 1, 1);

pooledFeatures = squeeze(cnnPool(4, testMatrix));

if ~isequal(pooledFeatures, expectedMatrix)
disp('Pooling incorrect');
disp('Congratulations! Your pooling code passed the test.');
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions cnn/cnnInitParams.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
function theta = cnnInitParams(imageDim,filterDim,numFilters,...
% Initialize parameters for a single layer convolutional neural
% network followed by a softmax layer.
% Parameters:
% imageDim - height/width of image
% filterDim - dimension of convolutional filter
% numFilters - number of convolutional filters
% poolDim - dimension of pooling area
% numClasses - number of classes to predict
% Returns:
% theta - unrolled parameter vector with initialized weights

%% Initialize parameters randomly based on layer sizes.
assert(filterDim < imageDim,'filterDim must be less that imageDim');

Wc = 1e-1*randn(filterDim,filterDim,numFilters);

outDim = imageDim - filterDim + 1; % dimension of convolved image

% assume outDim is multiple of poolDim
'poolDim must divide imageDim - filterDim + 1');

outDim = outDim/poolDim;
hiddenSize = outDim^2*numFilters;

r = sqrt(6) / sqrt(numClasses+hiddenSize+1); % we'll choose weights uniformly from the interval [-r, r]
Wd = rand(numClasses, hiddenSize) * 2 * r - r;

bc = zeros(numFilters, 1);
bd = zeros(numClasses, 1);

% Convert weights and bias gradients to the vector form.
% This step will "unroll" (flatten and concatenate together) all
% your parameters into a vector, which can then be used with minFunc.
theta = [Wc(:) ; Wd(:) ; bc(:) ; bd(:)];



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