Miscellaneous scripts that make my life easier
Pass a list of pull request URLs to this tool and it will create a ros2.repos file gist for you.
Single PR
make-repos-gist https://github.com/ros2/rmw_fastrtps/pull/248
Single PR with shorthand PR identifier instead of full URL.
make-repos-gist ros2/rmw_fastrtps#248
Use crystal branch of ros2/ros2 for initial ros2.repos file
make-repos-gist --branch crystal https://github.com/ros2/rmw_fastrtps/pull/248
Multiple PRs (must be different repos)
make-repos-gist https://github.com/ros2/rmw_fastrtps/pull/248 https://github.com/ros2/rcl/pull/365
python3 ./make_repos_gist/setup.py install
After installing, put a github API key in the system keyring that is capable of creating gists.
# This will prompt for a 'password'. Paste the github api token.
keyring set github-api-token may-create-gist