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Angular Schematics

Useful Angular schematics.


This is a monorepo which contains many packages:

Project Package Version Links
ui-framework @objectivity/angular-schematic-ui-framework latest README
web-ci @objectivity/angular-schematic-web-ci latest README
app-insights @objectivity/angular-schematic-app-insights latest README
web-setup @objectivity/angular-schematic-web-setup latest README
starter-kit @objectivity/angular-schematic-starter-kit latest README
utils @objectivity/angular-schematic-utils latest README

Getting Started - Local Development


To get started locally, follow these instructions:

  1. If you haven't done it already, make a fork of this repo.
  2. Clone to your local computer using git.
  3. Make sure that you have Node 10.9 or later installed. See instructions here.
  4. Make sure that you have yarn installed; see instructions here.
  5. Run yarn (no arguments) from the root of your clone of this project.
  6. Run yarn bootstrap to link local packages together and install remaining package dependencies. Read more.

Sandbox project

The sandbox is a version controlled directory and contains an Angular application (v8.0.0).

For testing and development, you can execute your schematic against the application in the sandbox. Check out this post on using a sandbox to develop an Angular Schematic.

Sandbox Preparation

  1. Run yarn (no arguments) from the sandbox directory.
  2. Run yarn run link:all to link schematic packages.