This is a tensorflow deep learning inception_v3 model customized for "Fundus Image Analysis for Diabetic Retinopathy and Macular edema Grading".
The project is mainly a deep learning model that performs disease screening and diagnosis for diabetes by analyzing the images of human eye retina. The image data are downloaded from IDRiD: Diabetic Retinopathy, and are already converted into TFRecord data.
The code in this project is based on the open source inception_v3 model created by PanJinQuan in
The images are contained in the dataset directory. To create TFRecord, run
If you have your own images, you need to do the following process: Images -> Run -> Run => TFRecord data
Organize your images data like this: train/YourLabels/Image files val/YourLabels/Image files records/train299.tfrecords(blank) records/val299.tfrecords(blank) train.txt(blank) val.txt(blank) labels.txt(You need to manually fill in the labels of your images, 1 label per line in a txt file)
After you generated your TFRecord, run
The inception_v3 model pre-trained with the image data downloaded from IDRiD, can be found at the model directory.